Thursday 3 September 2009

Radiology (USA) Vol 252 No 2 2009

pp. 319-321
Science to Practice: How Do We Interpret the Transfer of Hyperpolarized ^1^2^9Xe from Blood into Alveolar Gas?.
Loring, S.H.; Butler, J.P.; Patz, S.
pp. 322-323
Competency-based Training: Accreditation as a Pathway to Wisdom.
Wood, B.P.
pp. 324-326
Competency-based Training: Conformity and the Pursuit of Educational Excellence.
Gunderman, R.B.
pp. 327-329
Emerging Roles for CT Imaging in Cystic Fibrosis.
Saavedra, M.T.; Lynch, D.A.
pp. 330-331
Can Diffuse Optical Spectroscopic Tomography Be Used to Characterize Breast Lesions and Their Response to Treatment?.
Hylton, N.M.
pp. 332-345
Triple-Rule-Out CT Angiography for Evaluation of Acute Chest Pain and Possible Acute Coronary Syndrome.
Halpern, E.J.
p. 346
Ultrasound of the Musculoskeletal System.
p. 346
Image Processing in Radiology.
p. 347
Clinical Cardiac CT: Anatomy and Function.
pp. 348-357
Cancer Cases from ACRIN Digital Mammographic Imaging Screening Trial: Radiologist Analysis with Use of a Logistic Regression Model.
Pisano, E.D.; Acharyya, S.; Cole, E.B.; Marques, H.S. et al
pp. 358-368
Cancers in BRCA1 and BRCA2 Carriers and in Women at High Risk for Breast Cancer: MR Imaging and Mammographic Features.
Gilbert, F.J.; Warren, R.M.L. et al andUnited Kingdom Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Breast Screening (MARIBS) Study Group
pp. 369-376
Isolated Mitral Regurgitation: Quantitative Assessment with 64-Section Multidetector CT-Comparison with MR Imaging and Echocardiography.
Guo, Y.-K.; Yang, Z.-G.; Ning, G.; Rao, L. et al
pp. 377-385
Coronary Artery Stenosis in High-risk Patients: 64-Section CT and Coronary Angiography-Prospective Study and Analysis of Discordance.
Gouya, H.; Varenne, O.; Trinquart, L.; Touze, E. et al
pp. 386-393
Pulmonary Perfusion and Xenon Gas Exchange in Rats: MR Imaging with Intravenous Injection of Hyperpolarized ^1^2^9Xe.
Driehuys, B.; Moller, H.E.; Cleveland, Z.I.; Pollaro, J.; Hedlund, L.W.
pp. 394-400
Delta R2^* in Fetal Sheep Brains during Hypoxia: MR Imaging at 3.0 T versus That at 1.5 T.
Wedegartner, U.; Popovych, S.; Yamamura, J.; Kooijman, H.; Adam, G.
pp. 401-409
Rapid-Clearance Iron Nanoparticles for Inflammation Imaging of Atherosclerotic Plaque: Initial Experience in Animal Model.
Sigovan, M.; Boussel, L.; Sulaiman, A.; Sappey-Marinier, D.; Alsaid, H. et al
pp. 410-417
Differentiation between Malignant and Benign Gastric Ulcers: CT Virtual Gastroscopy versus Optical Gastroendoscopy.
Chen, C.-Y.; Kuo, Y.-T.; Lee, C.-H.; Hsieh, T.-J. et al
pp. 418-425
Diagnosis of Chronic Pancreatitis by Using Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Measurements at 3.0-T MR Following Secretin Stimulation.
Akisik, M.F.; Sandrasegaran, K.; Jennings, S.G. et al
pp. 426-432
Liver Regeneration at Day 7 after Right Hepatectomy: Global and Segmental Volumetric Analysis by Using CT.
Zappa, M.; Dondero, F.; Sibert, A.; Vullierme, M.-P.; Belghiti, J.; Vilgrain, V.
pp. 433-440
Dual-Energy CT in Patients Suspected of Having Renal Masses: Can Virtual Nonenhanced Images Replace True Nonenhanced Images?.
Graser, A.; Johnson, T.R.C.; Hecht, E.M.; Becker, C.R. et al
pp. 441-448
Segmental Enhancement Inversion at Biphasic Multidetector CT: Characteristic Finding of Small Renal Oncocytoma.
Kim, J.I.; Cho, J.Y.; Moon, K.C.; Lee, H.J.; Kim, S.H.
pp. 449-457
Prostate Tumor Volume Measurement with Combined T2-weighted Imaging and Diffusion-weighted MR: Correlation with Pathologic Tumor Volume.
Mazaheri, Y.; Hricak, H.; Fine, S.W.; Akin, O.; Shukla-Dave, A. et al
pp. 458-467
Workload of Radiologists in United States in 2006-2007 and Trends Since 1991-1992.
Bhargavan, M.; Kaye, A.H.; Forman, H.P.; Sunshine, J.H.
pp. 468-476
Cardiac CT Research: Exponential Growth.
Itagaki, M.W.; Suh, R.D.; Goldin, J.G.
pp. 477-485
Multiple Myeloma and Monoclonal Gammopathy of Undetermined Significance: Importance of Whole-Body versus Spinal MR Imaging.
Bauerle, T.; Hillengass, J.; Fechtner, K.; Zechmann, C.M.; Grenacher, L. et al
pp. 486-495
Knee Joint: Comprehensive Assessment with 3D Isotropic Resolution Fast Spin-Echo MR Imaging-Diagnostic Performance Compared with That of Conventional MR Imaging at 3.0 T.
Kijowski, R.; Davis, K.W.; Woods, M.A.; Lindstrom, M.J. et al
pp. 496-501
Optic Nerve and Optic Radiation Neurodegeneration in Patients with Glaucoma: In Vivo Analysis with 3-T Diffusion-Tensor MR Imaging.
Garaci, F.G.; Bolacchi, F.; Cerulli, A.; Melis, M.; Spano, A. et al
pp. 502-508
Moderate Carotid Artery Stenosis: MR Imaging-depicted Intraplaque Hemorrhage Predicts Risk of Cerebrovascular Ischemic Events in Asymptomatic Men.
Singh, N.; Moody, A.R.; Gladstone, D.J.; Leung, G. et al
pp. 509-517
Subclinical White Matter Integrity in Subjects with Cumulative Lead Exposure.
Hsieh, T.-J.; Chuang, H.-Y.; Chen, Y.-C.; Wang, C.-L. et al
pp. 518-525
End-Stage Renal Disease: In Vivo Diffusion-Tensor Imaging of Silent White Matter Damage.
Hsieh, T.-J.; Chang, J.-M.; Chuang, H.-Y.; Ko, C.-H. et al
pp. 526-533
Evidence and Patterns in Lung Response after Fetal Tracheal Occlusion: Clinical Controlled Study.
Cannie, M.M.; Jani, J.C.; De Keyzer, F.; Allegaert, K.; Dymarkowski, S.; Deprest, J.
pp. 534-543
Association between Mucoid Pseudomonas Infection and Bronchiectasis in Children with Cystic Fibrosis.
Farrell, P.M.; Collins, J.; Broderick, L.S.; Rock, M.J.; Li, Z. et al
pp. 544-550
Radiology Failure Mode and Effect Analysis: What Is It?.
Abujudeh, H.H.; Kaewlai, R.
pp. 551-560
Evaluation of Breast Tumor Response to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy with Tomographic Diffuse Optical Spectroscopy: Case Studies of Tumor Region-of-Interest Changes.
Jiang, S.; Pogue, B.W.; Carpenter, C.M.; Poplack, S.P. et al
pp. 561-567
Multiecho IDEAL Gradient-Echo Water-Fat Separation for Rapid Assessment of Cartilage Volume at 1.5 T: Initial Experience.
Chen, C.A.; Lu, W.; John, C.T.; Hargreaves, B.A. et al
pp. 568-576
Measurement of Hepatic Lipid: High-Speed T2-corrected Multiecho Acquisition at ^1H MR Spectroscopy-A Rapid and Accurate Technique.
Pineda, N.; Sharma, P.; Xu, Q.; Hu, X.; Vos, M.; Martin, D.R.
pp. 577-586
Tracheomalacia in Adults with Cystic Fibrosis: Determination of Prevalence and Severity with Dynamic Cine CT.
McDermott, S.; Barry, S.C.; Judge, E.E.; Collins, S. et al
pp. 587-594
Effect of Signal Intensity from the Accumulated Microbubbles in the Liver for Differentiation of Idiopathic Portal Hypertension from Liver Cirrhosis.
Maruyama, H.; Ishibashi, H.; Takahashi, M.; Imazeki, F.; Yokosuka, O.
pp. 595-604
Liver Fibrosis in Viral Hepatitis: Noninvasive Assessment with Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse Imaging versus Transient Elastography.
Friedrich-Rust, M.; Wunder, K.; Kriener, S.; Sotoudeh, F. et al
pp. 605-614
Hepatocarcinogenesis: Multistep Changes of Drainage Vessels at CT during Arterial Portography and Hepatic Arteriography-Radiologic-Pathologic Correlation.
Kitao, A.; Zen, Y.; Matsui, O.; Gabata, T.; Nakanuma, Y.
pp. 618-622
Case 148: Thoracic Epidural Lipomatosis.
Venkatanarasimha, N.; Parrish, R.W.
pp. 623-623
May I PI Mk a Requ for Rad to Stop Using Abr?.
Cohen, M.D.
pp. 624-624
Diffusion-weighted MR Imaging: Adjunct or Alternative to T1-weighted MR Imaging for Prostate Carcinoma Bone Metastases?.
Lecouvet, F.E.; Berg, B.C.V.; Malghem, J.; Omoumi, P.; Simoni, P.
pp. 626-626
Harry Z. Mellins, MD.
Weissman, B.; Silverman, S.; Seltzer, S.; Linton, O.W.

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