Monday 17 November 2008

MRSA in MRI suites

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Dear AuntMinnie Member,
In addition to radiation dose, contrast reactions, and other imaging-related perils, you can add methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) to the list. While MRSA hasn't yet grabbed headlines, lax infection control practices in many MRI suites could make it a growing problem.
That's according to an article by Dr. Peter A. Rothschild that we're featuring this week in our MRI Digital Community. In the article, Dr. Rothschild explains how many MRI facilities fail to take even the most basic precautions to avoid MRSA contamination.
Some facilities don't wipe down equipment after use, while others don't replace padding that's become worn or ripped -- creating environments ripe for MRSA colonization. It particularly is a problem given that some 1% of the U.S. population is colonized with MRSA, and even asymptomatic patients can spread the bacteria.
Fortunately, Dr. Rothschild offers an 11-step program that MRI facilities can implement to reduce the risk of MRSA contamination. Find out how by clicking here, or visit our MRI Digital Community at

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