Tuesday, 24 March 2009

Radiology (USA) Vol 250 No 3 2009

pp. 609-611
Science to Practice: Can the Combination of Resting First-Pass Myocardial Perfusion and Late Gadolinium-enhanced Cardiovascular MR Imaging Help Identify Myocardial Infarction Resulting from Coronary Microembolization?.
Appelbaum, E.; Manning, W.J.
pp. 612-617
Maintaining Identity in a Changing Environment: The Professional and Organizational Future of Radiology.
Krestin, G.P.
pp. 618-628
Renal Safety of Gadolinium-based Contrast Media in Patients with Chronic Renal Insufficiency.
Ledneva, E.; Karie, S.; Launay-Vacher, V.; Janus, N.; Deray, G.
p. 629
CT and MR Angiography of the Peripheral Circulation: Practical Approach with Clinical Protocols.
p. 630
Clinical Radiology: The Essentials, 3rd ed.
p. 630
Teaching Atlas of Musculoskeletal Imaging.
pp. 631-637
Large-Core Breast Biopsy: Abnormal Salivary Cortisol Profiles Associated with Uncertainty of Diagnosis.
Lang, E.V.; Berbaum, K.S.; Lutgendorf, S.K.
pp. 638-647
Triple-Negative Breast Cancer: Correlation between MR Imaging and Pathologic Findings.
Uematsu, T.; Kasami, M.; Yuen, S.
pp. 648-657
Positive Predictive Value of Specific Mammographic Findings according to Reader and Patient Variables.
Venkatesan, A.; Chu, P.; Kerlikowske, K.; Sickles, E.A.; Smith-Bindman, R.
pp. 658-664
Evaluation of Off-the-Shelf Displays for Use in the American Board of Radiology Maintenance of Certification Examination.
Krupinski, E.A.; Becker, G.J.; Laszakovits, D.; Gerdeman, A.M.; Evanoff, M.G.
pp. 665-673
Tumor Burden in Patients with Neurofibromatosis Types 1 and 2 and Schwannomatosis: Determination on Whole-Body MR Images.
Cai, W.; Kassarjian, A.; Bredella, M.A.; Harris, G.J.; Yoshida, H.; Mautner, V.F.; Wenzel, R.; Plotkin, S.R.
pp. 674-681
Nonionic Iodinated Intravenous Contrast Material-related Reactions: Incidence in Large Urban Children's Hospital-Retrospective Analysis of Data in 12 494 Patients.
Callahan, M.J.; Poznauskis, L.; Zurakowski, D.; Taylor, G.A.
pp. 682-691
Atherosclerosis: Contrast-enhanced MR Imaging of Vessel Wall in Rabbit Model-Comparison of Gadofosveset and Gadopentetate Dimeglumine.
Lobbes, M.B.I.; Miserus, R.-J.J.H.M.; Heeneman, S.; Passos, V.L.; Mutsaers, P.H.A.; Debernardi, N.; Misselwitz, B.; Post, M.; Daemen, M.J.A.P.
pp. 692-702
Mapping the Zonal Organization of Tumor Perfusion and Permeability in a Rat Glioma Model by Using Dynamic Contrast-enhanced Synchrotron Radiation CT.
Balvay, D.; Tropres, I.; Billet, R.; Joubert, A.; Peoc h, M.; Cuenod, C.A.; Le Duc, G.
pp. 703-712
Myocardial Microinfarction after Coronary Microembolization in Swine: MR Imaging Characterization.
Carlsson, M.; Wilson, M.; Martin, A.J.; Saeed, M.
pp. 714-720
Comparative Study of Transcatheter Renal Arterial Embolization with and without Closed Renal Circuit: Pharmacokinetic and Histologic Assessment in Pigs.
Onozawa, S.; Murata, S.; Shimizu, A.; Tajima, H.; Hidaka, F.; Kumita, S.-i.; Nomura, K.
pp. 721-729
Acute Pulmonary Embolism: Relationships between Ground-Glass Opacification at Thin-Section CT and Hemodynamics in Pigs.
Thoma, P.; Rondelet, B.; Melot, C.; Tack, D.; Naeije, R.; Gevenois, P.A.
pp. 730-739
Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer: MR Imaging in Prediction of Response after Preoperative Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy.
Barbaro, B.; Fiorucci, C.; Tebala, C.; Valentini, V.; Gambacorta, M.A.; Vecchio, F.M.; Rizzo, G.; Coco, C.; Crucitti, A.; Ratto, C.
pp. 740-748
Extension of Air into the Right Perirenal Space after Duodenal Perforation: CT Findings.
Yagan, N.; Auh, Y.H.; Fisher, A.
pp. 749-757
Pregnant Patients Suspected of Having Acute Appendicitis: Effect of MR Imaging on Negative Laparotomy Rate and Appendiceal Perforation Rate.
Pedrosa, I.; Lafornara, M.; Pandharipande, P.V.; Goldsmith, J.D.; Rofsky, N.M.
pp. 758-766
Effects of Neoadjuvant Combined Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy on the CT Evaluation of Resectability and Staging in Patients with Pancreatic Head Cancer.
Kim, Y.-E.; Park, M.-S.; Hong, H.-S.; Kang, C.M.; Choi, J.-Y.; Lim, J.S.; Lee, W.J.; Kim, M.-J.; Kim, K.W.
pp. 767-775
Staging of T3 and T4 Gastric Carcinoma with Multidetector CT: Added Value of Multiplanar Reformations for Prediction of Adjacent Organ Invasion.
Kim, Y.H.; Lee, K.H.; Park, S.H.; Kim, H.-H.; Hahn, S.; Park, D.J.; Lee, H.S.
pp. 776-783
Assessing Myometrial Infiltration by Endometrial Cancer: Uterine Virtual Navigation with Three-dimensional US.
Alcazar, J.L.; Galvan, R.; Albela, S.; Martinez, S.; Pahisa, J.; Jurado, M.; Lopez-Garcia, G.
pp. 784-792
Myometrial Invasion in Endometrial Cancer: Diagnostic Accuracy of Diffusion-weighted 3.0-T MR Imaging-Initial Experience.
Lin, G.; Ng, K.-K.; Chang, C.-J.; Wang, J.-J.; Ho, K.-C.; Yen, T.-C.; Wu, T.-I.; Wang, C.-C.; Chen, Y.-R.; Huang, Y.
pp. 793-802
Renal Cell Carcinoma: Dynamic Contrast-enhanced MR Imaging for Differentiation of Tumor Subtypes-Correlation with Pathologic Findings.
Sun, M.R.M.; Ngo, L.; Genega, E.M.; Atkins, M.B.; Finn, M.E.; Rofsky, N.M.; Pedrosa, I.
pp. 803-812
Correlation of MR Imaging and MR Spectroscopic Imaging Findings with Ki-67, Phospho-Akt, and Androgen Receptor Expression in Prostate Cancer.
Shukla-Dave, A.; Hricak, H.; Ishill, N.M.; Moskowitz, C.S.; Drobnjak, M.; Reuter, V.E.; Zakian, K.L.; Scardino, P.T.; Cordon-Cardo, C.
pp. 813-820
Renal Stone Assessment with Dual-Energy Multidetector CT and Advanced Postprocessing Techniques: Improved Characterization of Renal Stone Composition-Pilot Study.
Boll, D.T.; Patil, N.A.; Paulson, E.K.; Merkle, E.M.; Simmons, W.N.; Pierre, S.A.; Preminger, G.M. pp. 821-829
Embryonic Stem Cell Grafting in Normal and Infarcted Myocardium: Serial Assessment with MR Imaging and PET Dual Detection.
Qiao, H.; Zhang, H.; Zheng, Y.; Ponde, D.E.; Shen, D.; Gao, F.; Bakken, A.B.; Schmitz, A.; Kung, H.F.; Ferrari, V.A.
pp. 830-838
Pain and Other Side Effects after MR Arthrography: Prospective Evaluation in 1085 Patients.
Saupe, N.; Zanetti, M.; Pfirrmann, C.W.A.; Wels, T.; Schwenke, C.; Hodler, J.
pp. 839-848
Comparison of 1.5- and 3.0-T MR Imaging for Evaluating the Articular Cartilage of the Knee Joint.
Kijowski, R.; Blankenbaker, D.G.; Davis, K.W.; Shinki, K.; Kaplan, L.D.; De Smet, A.A.
pp. 849-855
Modic Changes on MR Images as Studied with Provocative Diskography: Clinical Relevance -A Retrospective Study of 2457 Disks.
Thompson, K.J.; Dagher, A.P.; Eckel, T.S.; Clark, M.; Reinig, J.W.
pp. 856-866
Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer Disease: Patterns of Altered Cerebral Blood Flow at MR Imaging.
Dai, W.; Lopez, O.L.; Carmichael, O.T.; Becker, J.T.; Kuller, L.H.; Gach, H.M.
pp. 867-877
Hemorrhagic Transformation of Ischemic Stroke: Prediction with CT Perfusion.
Aviv, R.I.; d Esterre, C.D.; Murphy, B.D.; Hopyan, J.J.; Buck, B.; Mallia, G.et al
pp. 878-886
Existence of the Diffusion-Perfusion Mismatch within 24 Hours after Onset of Acute Stroke: Dependence on Proximal Arterial Occlusion.
Copen, W.A.; Gharai, L.R.; Barak, E.R.; Schwamm, L.H.; Wu, O.; Kamalian, S.; Gonzalez, R.G.; Schaefer, P.W.
pp. 887-896
Posttreatment Recurrence of Malignant Brain Neoplasm: Accuracy of Relative Cerebral Blood Volume Fraction in Discriminating Low from High Malignant Histologic Volume Fraction.
Gasparetto, E.L.; Pawlak, M.A.; Patel, S.H.; Huse, J.; Woo, J.H.; Krejza, J. et al
pp. 897-904
Minimally Invasive Autopsy: An Alternative to Conventional Autopsy?.
Weustink, A.C.; Hunink, M.G.M.; van Dijke, C.F.; Renken, N.S.; Krestin, G.P.; Oosterhuis, J.W.
pp. 905-915
Patients with Plasma Cell Disorders Examined at Whole-Body Dynamic Contrast-enhanced MR Imaging: Initial Experience.
Lin, C.; Luciani, A.; Belhadj, K.; Maison, P.; Vignaud, A.; Deux, J.-F.; Zerbib, P.; Pigneur, F.; Itti, E.; Kobeiter, H.
pp. 916-922
Reperfusion Hemorrhage Following Acute Myocardial Infarction: Assessment with T2^* Mapping and Effect on Measuring the Area at Risk.
O Regan, D.P.; Ahmed, R.; Karunanithy, N.; Neuwirth, C.; Tan, Y.; Durighel, G.; Hajnal, J.V.; Nadra, I.; Corbett, S.J.; Cook, S.A.
pp. 923-931
CT Bronchoscopic Simulation for Guiding Transbronchial Needle Aspiration of Extramural Mediastinal and Hilar Lesions: Initial Clinical Results.
Weiner, G.M.; Schulze, K.; Geiger, B.; Ebhardt, H.; Wolf, K.-J.; Albrecht, T.
pp. 932-939
Pulmonary Vein Imaging with Unenhanced Three-dimensional Balanced Steady-State Free Precession MR Angiography: Initial Clinical Evaluation.
Francois, C.J.; Tuite, D.; Deshpande, V.; Jerecic, R.; Weale, P.; Carr, J.C.
hpp. 940-948
Fatty Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Radiofrequency Ablation-Imaging Findings.
Pupulim, L.F.; Hakime, A.; Barrau, V.; Abdel-Rehim, M.; Zappa, M.; Vilgrain, V.
pp. 949-950
Case 147.
Diederichs, G.; Hauptmann, K.; Schroder, R.-J.; Kivelitz, D.
pp. 951-954
Case 143: Madelung Disease.
Landis, M.S.; Etemad-Rezai, R.; Shetty, K.; Goldszmidt, M.
pp. 955-955
Insufficient Spectral Quality to Draw Conclusions.
Boesch, C.; Vermathen, P.; Kreis, R.
pp. 956-956
Bladder Cancer Detection with CT Urography.
Francica, G.; Scarano, F.
pp. 957-958
Logistic Regression Analysis of MR Fetal Lung Volume.
Cheng, P.M.; Sayre, J.W.
pp. 959-959
Gadolinium-based Contrast Agents and Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis.
Vitti, R.A.

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