N.B. We do not have access to the full text of this title
Environmental rather than genetic fetal overgrowth: defining the difference and hints for diagnosis and management
M. Hod, J. Pardo
AbstractPublished Online: 23 Mar 2009
Fetal nutritional status: diagnosis and future perspectives
R. L. Schild
AbstractPublished Online: 23 Mar 2009
Original Papers
Maternal serum placental growth factor at 11-13 weeks in chromosomally abnormal pregnancies
E. Zaragoza, R. Akolekar, L. C. Y. Poon, S. Pepes, K. H. Nicolaides
AbstractPublished Online: 10 Mar 2009
Medians and correction factors for biochemical and ultrasound markers in Chinese women undergoing first-trimester screening for trisomy 21
D. S. Sahota, T. Y. Leung, T. Y. Fung, L. W. Chan, L. W. Law, T. K. Lau
AbstractPublished Online: 23 Mar 2009
Jugular lymphatic sacs in first-trimester fetuses with normal nuchal translucency
Y. M. de Mooij, M. N. Bekker, M. D. Spreeuwenberg, J. M. G. van Vugt
AbstractPublished Online: 26 Feb 2009
Three-dimensional ultrasound diagnosis of cleft palate: reverse face, flipped face or oblique face-which method is best?
P. Martínez Ten, J. Pérez Pedregosa, B. Santacruz, B. Adiego, E. Barrón, W. Sepúlveda
AbstractPublished Online: 24 Dec 2008
Examination of the secondary palate on stored 3D ultrasound volumes of the fetal face
H. S. Wong, J. Tait, K. C. Pringle
AbstractPublished Online: 23 Mar 2009
Use of ultrasound to distinguish between fetal hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism on discovery of a goiter
C. Huel, J. Guibourdenche, E. Vuillard, J. Ouahba, M. Piketty, J. F. Oury, D. Luton
AbstractPublished Online: 23 Mar 2009
Ultrasonographic measurement of thymus size in IUGR fetuses: a marker of the fetal immunoendocrine response to malnutrition
A. Cromi, F. Ghezzi, R. Raffaelli, V. Bergamini, G. Siesto, P. Bolis
AbstractPublished Online: 23 Mar 2009
Fractional limb volume - a soft tissue parameter of fetal body composition: validation, technical considerations and normal ranges during pregnancy
W. Lee, M. Balasubramaniam, R. L. Deter, S. S. Hassan, F. Gotsch et al
AbstractPublished Online: 27 Feb 2009
Fetal growth parameters and birth weight: their relationship to neonatal body composition
W. Lee, M. Balasubramaniam, R. L. Deter, S. S. Hassan, F. Gotsch et al
AbstractPublished Online: 27 Feb 2009
Volumetric (3D) imaging reduces inter- and intraobserver variation of fetal biometry measurements
L. W. Chan, T. Y. Fung, T. Y. Leung, D. S. Sahota, T. K. Lau
AbstractPublished Online: 10 Mar 2009
Sonographic prediction of macrosomia cannot be improved by combination with pregnancy-specific characteristics
D. Balsyte, L. Schäffer, T. Burkhardt, J. Wisser, J. Kurmanavicius
AbstractPublished Online: 5 Mar 2009
Reference range for cervical length throughout pregnancy: non-parametric LMS-based model applied to a large sample
L. J. Salomon, C. Diaz-Garcia, J. P. Bernard, Y. Ville
AbstractPublished Online: 10 Mar 2009
Validation of new ultrasound parameters for quantifying pelvic floor muscle contraction
S.-H. Yang, W.-C. Huang, S.-Y. Yang, E. Yang, J.-M. Yang
AbstractPublished Online: 23 Mar 2009
Association between ultrasound findings and extent of trophoblastic invasion into the tubal wall in ampullary pregnancy
P. P. Pereira, F. R. Cabar, R. Schultz, M. Zugaib
AbstractPublished Online: 23 Mar 2009
Intraobserver and interobserver reliability of automated antral follicle counts made using three-dimensional ultrasound and SonoAVCS.
Deb, K. Jayaprakasan, B. K. Campbell, J. S. Clewes, I. R. Johnson, N. J. Raine-Fenning
AbstractPublished Online: 11 Feb 2009
Case Report
Amniotic fluid sludge detected in patients with subchorionic hematoma: a report of two cases
E. Tskitishvili, T. Tomimatsu, T. Kanagawa, K. Sawada, Y. Kinugasa, K. Mimura, T. Kimura
AbstractPublished Online: 23 Mar 2009
Letters to the Editor
Rupture of the fetal abdomen in prune belly syndrome
C. H. Comstock, W. Lee, R. A. Bronsteen, T. Fennell
AbstractPublished Online: 23 Mar 2009
Discrepant findings in a monoamniotic twin pregnancy affected by infantile myofibromatosis
B. Arabin, K. Hack, L. Nooij, P. Nikkels
AbstractPublished Online: 23 Mar 2009
Sonographic imaging of urinoma
A. C. Testa, A. Gaurilcikas, A. Licameli, C. Di Stasi, D. Lorusso, G. Scambia, G. Ferrandina
AbstractPublished Online: 23 Mar 2009
Prenatal diagnosis of an aberrant right subclavian artery: four vessels arising from the aortic arch?
E. Quarello, J. S. Carvalho
AbstractPublished Online: 23 Mar 2009
ReplyR. Chaoui
AbstractPublished Online: 23 Mar 2009
Picture of the Month
Retinal coloboma: prenatal diagnosis using a new technique, the virtual fetal eyeground
J.-P. Bault, E. Quarello
AbstractPublished Online: 23 Mar 2009
Tuesday, 24 March 2009
Article from Anesthesia & Analgesia
Link to journal online
Clendenen, Steven R. ; Riutort, Kevin ; Ladlie, Beth L. ; Robards, Christopher M. et al
Real-Time Three-Dimensional Ultrasound-Assisted Axillary Plexus Block Defines Soft Tissue Planes. [Report]
Anesthesia & Analgesia. 108(4):1347-1350, April 2009.
Two-dimensional (2D) ultrasound is commonly used for regional block of the axillary brachial plexus. In this technical case report, we described a real-time three-dimensional (3D) ultrasound-guided axillary block. The difference between 2D and 3D ultrasound is similar to the difference between plain radiograph and computer tomography. Unlike 2D ultrasound that captures a planar image, 3D ultrasound technology acquires a 3D volume of information that enables multiple planes of view by manipulating the image without movement of the ultrasound probe. Observation of the brachial plexus in cross-section demonstrated distinct linear hyperechoic tissue structures (loose connective tissue) that initially inhibited the flow of the local anesthesia. After completion of the injection, we were able to visualize the influence of arterial pulsation on the spread of the local anesthesia. Possible advantages of this novel technology over current 2D methods are wider image volume and the capability to manipulate the planes of the image without moving the probe.
Clendenen, Steven R. ; Riutort, Kevin ; Ladlie, Beth L. ; Robards, Christopher M. et al
Real-Time Three-Dimensional Ultrasound-Assisted Axillary Plexus Block Defines Soft Tissue Planes. [Report]
Anesthesia & Analgesia. 108(4):1347-1350, April 2009.
Two-dimensional (2D) ultrasound is commonly used for regional block of the axillary brachial plexus. In this technical case report, we described a real-time three-dimensional (3D) ultrasound-guided axillary block. The difference between 2D and 3D ultrasound is similar to the difference between plain radiograph and computer tomography. Unlike 2D ultrasound that captures a planar image, 3D ultrasound technology acquires a 3D volume of information that enables multiple planes of view by manipulating the image without movement of the ultrasound probe. Observation of the brachial plexus in cross-section demonstrated distinct linear hyperechoic tissue structures (loose connective tissue) that initially inhibited the flow of the local anesthesia. After completion of the injection, we were able to visualize the influence of arterial pulsation on the spread of the local anesthesia. Possible advantages of this novel technology over current 2D methods are wider image volume and the capability to manipulate the planes of the image without moving the probe.
AJR April 2009; Vol. 192, No. 4
Editor's Notebook
The Copyright Transfer Agreement: We Sign It, But Do We Understand It?
Thomas H. Berquist
AJR 2009;192:849-851
Special Article
Communicating Imaging Results to Patients: OnSite Results
Harley J. Hammerman
AJR 2009;192:852-853
Cardiopulmonary Imaging
Automated Algorithm for Quantifying the Extent of Cystic Change on
Volumetric Chest CT: Initial Results in Lymphangioleiomyomatosis
Vincent J. Schmithorst, Talissa A. Altes, Lisa R. Young, David N.
Franz, John J. Bissler, Francis X. McCormack, Bernard J. Dardzinski,
and Alan S. Brody
AJR 2009;192:1037-1044
Image Quality in a Low Radiation Exposure Protocol for Retrospectively
ECG-Gated Coronary CT Angiography
Tobias Pflederer, Larissa Rudofsky, Dieter Ropers, Sven Bachmann,
Mohamed Marwan, Werner G. Daniel, and Stephan Achenbach
AJR 2009;192:1045-1050
Dual-Source Versus Single-Source Cardiac CT Angiography: Comparison of
Diagnostic Image Quality
Robert Donnino, Jill E. Jacobs, Jay V. Doshi, Elizabeth M. Hecht,
Danny C. Kim, James S. Babb, and Monvadi B. Srichai
AJR 2009;192:1051-1056
Gastrointestinal Imaging
MDCT for Suspected Appendicitis: Effect of Reconstruction Section Thickness
on Diagnostic Accuracy, Rate of Appendiceal Visualization, and Reader
Confidence Using Axial Images
Pamela T. Johnson, Karen M. Horton, Satomi Kawamoto, John Eng,
Marchelle J. Bean, Shannon J. Shan, and Elliot K. Fishman
AJR 2009;192:893-901
Helical CT Evaluation of the Preoperative Staging of Gastric Cancer in the
Remnant Stomach
In Joon Lee, Jeong Min Lee, Se Hyung Kim, Samuel Chang, Joon Koo Han,
Byung Ihn Choi, Hyuk-Joon Lee, Han-Kwang Yang, and Kuhn Uk Lee
AJR 2009;192:902-908
Diagnostic Value of a Computerized Hepatorenal Index for Sonographic
Quantification of Liver Steatosis
Muriel Webb, Hanny Yeshua, Shira Zelber-Sagi, Erwin Santo, Eli
Brazowski, Zamir Halpern, and Ran Oren
AJR 2009;192:909-914
Respiratory-Triggered Versus Breath-Hold Diffusion-Weighted MRI of Liver
Lesions: Comparison of Image Quality and Apparent Diffusion Coefficient
Harsh Kandpal, Raju Sharma, K. S. Madhusudhan, and Kulwant Singh
AJR 2009;192:915-922
The Bloody Pancreas: MDCT and MRI Features of Hypervascular and Hemorrhagic
Pancreatic Conditions
V. Anik Sahni and Koenraad J. Mortele
AJR 2009;192:923-935
Scirrhous Metastases to the Gastrointestinal Tract at CT: The Malignant
Target Sign
Marc J. Gollub, Michael B. Schwartz, and Jinru Shia
AJR 2009;192:936-940
Genitourinary Imaging
Spatial Resolution and Radiation Dose of a 64-MDCT Scanner Compared with
Published CT Urography Protocols
Terri J. Vrtiska, Robert P. Hartman, James M. Kofler, Michael R.
Bruesewitz, Bernard F. King, and Cynthia H. McCollough
AJR 2009;192:941-948
Value of Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI and Correlation with Tumor
Angiogenesis in Bladder Cancer
Nermin Tuncbilek, Mustafa Kaplan, Semsi Altaner, Irfan H. Atakan,
Necdet Sut, Osman Inci, and Mustafa Kemal Demir
AJR 2009;192:949-955
PET/CT for the Characterization of Adrenal Masses in Patients with Cancer:
Qualitative Versus Quantitative Accuracy in 150 Consecutive Patients
Giles W. L. Boland, Michael A. Blake, Nagaraj S. Holalkere, and Peter
F. Hahn
AJR 2009;192:956-962
CT Features of Adnexal Involvement in Patients with Diverticulitis
Vikash S. Panghaal, Victoria Chernyak, Michael Patlas, and Alla M.
AJR 2009;192:963-966
Women's Imaging
Probably Benign Breast Masses Diagnosed by Sonography: Is There a
Difference in the Cancer Rate According to Palpability?
Jung Hee Shin, Boo-Kyung Han, Eun Young Ko, Yeon Hyeon Choe, and
Seok-Jin Nam
AJR 2009;192:187-191
Adenomyosis: Sonohysterography with MRI Correlation
Sachit K. Verma, Anna S. Lev-Toaff, Oksana H. Baltarowich, Diane
Bergin, Manisha Verma, and Donald G. Mitchell
AJR 2009;192:1112-1116
A Logistic Regression Model Based on the National Mammography Database
Format to Aid Breast Cancer Diagnosis
Jagpreet Chhatwal, Oguzhan Alagoz, Mary J. Lindstrom, Charles E. Kahn,
Jr., Katherine A. Shaffer, and Elizabeth S. Burnside
AJR 2009;192:1117-1127
Utility of Targeted Sonography for Breast Lesions That Were Suspicious on
Wendy B. DeMartini, Peter R. Eby, Sue Peacock, and Constance D. Lehman
AJR 2009;192:1128-1134
Atypical Ductal Hyperplasia Diagnosed at Sonographically Guided 14-Gauge
Core Needle Biopsy of Breast Mass
Ji Hyun Youk, Eun-Kyung Kim, and Min Jung Kim
AJR 2009;192:1135-1141
Increasing Accuracy of Detection of Breast Cancer with 3-T MRI
Haitham Elsamaloty, Mohamed Salah Elzawawi, Shaden Mohammad, and
Nabeel Herial
AJR 2009;192:1142-1148
Patients' Perceptions of Breast MRI: A Single-Center Study
Shaheen Zakaria, Kathleen R. Brandt, Amy C. Degnim, and Kristine M.
AJR 2009;192:1149-1154
Musculoskeletal Imaging
The Usefulness of Virtual MR Arthroscopy as an Adjunct to Conventional MR
Arthrography in Detecting Anterior Labral Lesions of the Shoulder
Ho-Taek Song, Yong-Min Huh, Sungjun Kim, Sung-Jae Kim, and Jin-Suck
AJR 2009;192:149-155
Ligaments of the Posterior and Lateral Talar Processes: MRI and MR
Arthrography of the Ankle and Posterior Subtalar Joint with Anatomic and
Histologic Correlation
Daniel Pastore, Giovanni G. Cerri, Parviz Haghighi, Debra J. Trudell,
and Donald L. Resnick
AJR 2009;192:967-973
Intervertebral Disk Degeneration Related to Reduced Vertebral Marrow
Perfusion at Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI
Yi-Jui Liu, Guo-Shu Huang, Chun-Jung Juan, Min-Szu Yao, Wei-Pin Ho,
and Wing P. Chan
AJR 2009;192:974-979
Whole-Body MRI Versus PET in Assessment of Multiple Myeloma Disease
Conor P. Shortt, Tadhg G. Gleeson, Karen A. Breen, John McHugh, Martin
J. O'Connell, Peter J. O'Gorman, and Stephen J. Eustace
AJR 2009;192:980-986
Fractures of the Ankylosed Spine: MDCT and MRI with Emphasis on Individual
Anatomic Spinal Structures
Raphael Campagna, Eric Pessis, Antoine Feydy, Henri Guerini, Fabrice
Thevenin, Alain Chevrot, and Jean-Luc Drape
AJR 2009;192:987-995
Initial Experience with Imaging-Guided Intramuscular Botulinum Toxin
Injection in Patients with Idiopathic Cervical Dystonia
In Ho Lee, Young Cheol Yoon, Duk Hyun Sung, Jong Won Kwon, and Jee
Young Jung
AJR 2009;192:996-1001
Vascular and Interventional Radiology
Freehand Real-Time MRI-Guided Lumbar Spinal Injection Procedures at 1.5 T:
Feasibility, Accuracy, and Safety
Jan Fritz, Christoph Thomas, Stephan Clasen, Claus D. Claussen,
Jonathan S. Lewin, and Phillipe L. Pereira
AJR 2009;192:161-167
A Novel Interventional Radiology Technique for Arterial Infusion
Chemotherapy Against Advanced Pancreatic Cancer
Toshihiro Tanaka, Hiroshi Sakaguchi, Masayuki Sho, Kiyosei Yamamoto,
Hideyuki Nishiofuku, Yoshiyuki Nakajima, and Kimihiko Kichikawa
AJR 2009;192:168-177
Endoleaks After Endovascular Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair: Management
Strategies According to CT Findings
Mustafa R. Bashir, Hector Ferral, Chad Jacobs, Walter McCarthy, and
Marshall Goldin
AJR 2009;192:178-186
Identifying Feeding Arteries During TACE of Hepatic Tumors: Comparison of
C-Arm CT and Digital Subtraction Angiography
Jin Iwazawa, Shoichi Ohue, Takashi Mitani, Hisashi Abe, Naoko
Hashimoto, Masao Hamuro, and Kenji Nakamura
AJR 2009;192:1057-1063
Percutaneous Radiofrequency Ablation of Hepatocellular Carcinomas: Factors
Related to Intraprocedural and Postprocedural Pain
Sanghee Lee, Hyunchul Rhim, Young-Sun Kim, Dongil Choi, Won Jae Lee,
Hyo K. Lim, and Byungseop Shin
AJR 2009;192:1064-1070
Effect of Contrast Injection Protocols with Dose Adjusted to the Estimated
Lean Patient Body Weight on Aortic Enhancement at CT Angiography
Yumi Yanaga, Kazuo Awai, Takeshi Nakaura, Seitaro Oda, Yoshinori
Funama, Kyongtae T. Bae, and Yasuyuki Yamashita
AJR 2009;192:1071-1078
Stenosis Detection in Native Hemodialysis Fistulas with MDCT Angiography
Sam Heye, Geert Maleux, Kathleen Claes, Dirk Kuypers, and Raymond Oyen
AJR 2009;192:1079-1084
Fluoroscopic and Sonographic Guidance to Place Peritoneal Catheters: How We
Do It
Ahmed K. Abdel-Aal, Ajay K. Joshi, Souheil Saddekni, and Ivan D. Maya
AJR 2009;192:1085-1089
Percutaneous Implantation of Fiducial Markers for Imaging-Guided Radiation
Nishita Kothary, Sonja Dieterich, John D. Louie, Daniel T. Chang,
Lawrence V. Hofmann, and Daniel Y. Sze
AJR 2009;192:1090-1096
Mesenteric Arterial Variations Detected at MDCT Angiography of Abdominal
Tuncay Hazirolan, Yavuz Metin, Ali Devrim Karaosmanoglu, Murat
Canyigit, Baris Turkbey, Berna Sayan Oguz, and Macit Ariyurek
AJR 2009;192:1097-1102
Treatment of Ureteropelvic Junction Obstruction Using a Detachable
Inflatable Stent: Initial Experience
Timotheus T. C. Overtoom, Peter L. Vijverberg, Hendrik W. van Es,
Sandrine van Selm, and Hans P. M. van Heesewijk
AJR 2009;192:1103-1106
Medical Physics and Informatics
Medical Physics--Meeting the Needs of Radiologists: The Role of the
American Journal of Roentgenology
G. Donald Frey
AJR 2009;192:854
Teaching Physics to Radiology Residents
William R. Hendee
AJR 2009;192:855-858
Teaching Medical Students About Imaging Techniques
Richard B. Gunderman and Christopher D. Stephens
AJR 2009;192:859-861
Misoperation of CT Automatic Tube Current Modulation Systems with
Inappropriate Patient Centering: Phantom Studies
Kosuke Matsubara, Kichiro Koshida, Katsuhiro Ichikawa, Masayuki
Suzuki, Tadanori Takata, Tomoyuki Yamamoto, and Osamu Matsui
AJR 2009;192:862-865
Radiation Dose in a "Triple Rule-Out" Coronary CT Angiography Protocol of
Emergency Department Patients Using 64-MDCT: The Impact of ECG-Based Tube
Current Modulation on Age, Sex, and Body Mass Index
Kevin M. Takakuwa, Ethan J. Halpern, Eric L. Gingold, David C. Levin,
and Frances S. Shofer
AJR 2009;192:866-872
MRI of the Spine: Image Quality and Normal-Neoplastic Bone Marrow Contrast
at 3 T Versus 1.5 T
Jian Zhao, Roland Krug, Duan Xu, Ying Lu, and Thomas M. Link
AJR 2009;192:873-880
Assessment of Patient and Occupational Dose in Established and New
Applications of MDCT Fluoroscopy
Raoul M. S. Joemai, Dirk Zweers, Wim R. Obermann, and Jacob Geleijns
AJR 2009;192:881-886
Health Care Policy and Quality
Cumulative Radiation Exposure and Cancer Risk Estimates in Emergency
Department Patients Undergoing Repeat or Multiple CT
Richard T. Griffey and Aaron Sodickson
AJR 2009;192:887-892
Reply to "Breast Vascular Tumors"
Benoit Mesurolle, Vitaly Sygal, and Lucie Lalonde
AJR 2009;192:192
Administration of Gadolinium-Based Contrast Agents in MR Angiography
Kai Lin
AJR 2009;192:193
Patrick M. Colletti
AJR 2009;192:194
Gadolinium and Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis
Val M. Runge
AJR 2009;192:195-196
Patrick M. Colletti
AJR 2009;192:197
Primary and Postprimary or Reactivation Tuberculosis: Time to Revise
Confusing Terminology?
Ben J. Marais, Sarah K. Parker, S. Verver, A. van Rie, and R. M.
AJR 2009;192:198
Yeon Joo Jeong, Won-Jung Koh, and Kyung Soo Lee
AJR 2009;192:199-200
Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
Prognostic Value of 18F-FDG PET in Patients with Head and Neck Squamous
Cell Cancer
Tatsuo Torizuka, Yasuo Tanizaki, Toshihiko Kanno, Masami Futatsubashi,
Katsumi Naitou, Yo Ueda, and Yasuomi Ouchi
AJR 2009;192:156-160
Whole-Body MRI and FDG PET Fused Images for Evaluation of Patients with
Roberto C. Domingues, Michel P. Carneiro, Fernanda Cristina Rueda
Lopes, Romeu C. Domingues, Lea Mirian Barbosa da Fonseca, and Emerson
L. Gasparetto
AJR 2009;192:1012-1020
Molecular Imaging and Quantitative Measurement of Epidermal Growth Factor
Receptor Expression in Live Cancer Cells Using Immunolabeled Gold
Matthew J. Crow, Gerald Grant, James M. Provenzale, and Adam Wax
AJR 2009;192:1021-1028
Spectrum of Focal Benign Musculoskeletal 18F-FDG Uptake at PET/CT of the
Shoulder and Pelvis
Vladimir Sopov, Hanna Bernstine, Dorit Stern, Nikolay Yefremov, Jacob
Sosna, and David Groshar
AJR 2009;192:1029-1035
Neuroradiology/Head and Neck Imaging
CNS Complications of Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation
Tomokazu Nishiguchi, Kunizo Mochizuki, Miyuki Shakudo, Tohru
Takeshita, Masayuki Hino, and Yuichi Inoue
AJR 2009;192:1003-1011
Editor's Notebook
The Copyright Transfer Agreement: We Sign It, But Do We Understand It?
Thomas H. Berquist
AJR 2009;192:849-851
Special Article
Communicating Imaging Results to Patients: OnSite Results
Harley J. Hammerman
AJR 2009;192:852-853
Cardiopulmonary Imaging
Automated Algorithm for Quantifying the Extent of Cystic Change on
Volumetric Chest CT: Initial Results in Lymphangioleiomyomatosis
Vincent J. Schmithorst, Talissa A. Altes, Lisa R. Young, David N.
Franz, John J. Bissler, Francis X. McCormack, Bernard J. Dardzinski,
and Alan S. Brody
AJR 2009;192:1037-1044
Image Quality in a Low Radiation Exposure Protocol for Retrospectively
ECG-Gated Coronary CT Angiography
Tobias Pflederer, Larissa Rudofsky, Dieter Ropers, Sven Bachmann,
Mohamed Marwan, Werner G. Daniel, and Stephan Achenbach
AJR 2009;192:1045-1050
Dual-Source Versus Single-Source Cardiac CT Angiography: Comparison of
Diagnostic Image Quality
Robert Donnino, Jill E. Jacobs, Jay V. Doshi, Elizabeth M. Hecht,
Danny C. Kim, James S. Babb, and Monvadi B. Srichai
AJR 2009;192:1051-1056
Gastrointestinal Imaging
MDCT for Suspected Appendicitis: Effect of Reconstruction Section Thickness
on Diagnostic Accuracy, Rate of Appendiceal Visualization, and Reader
Confidence Using Axial Images
Pamela T. Johnson, Karen M. Horton, Satomi Kawamoto, John Eng,
Marchelle J. Bean, Shannon J. Shan, and Elliot K. Fishman
AJR 2009;192:893-901
Helical CT Evaluation of the Preoperative Staging of Gastric Cancer in the
Remnant Stomach
In Joon Lee, Jeong Min Lee, Se Hyung Kim, Samuel Chang, Joon Koo Han,
Byung Ihn Choi, Hyuk-Joon Lee, Han-Kwang Yang, and Kuhn Uk Lee
AJR 2009;192:902-908
Diagnostic Value of a Computerized Hepatorenal Index for Sonographic
Quantification of Liver Steatosis
Muriel Webb, Hanny Yeshua, Shira Zelber-Sagi, Erwin Santo, Eli
Brazowski, Zamir Halpern, and Ran Oren
AJR 2009;192:909-914
Respiratory-Triggered Versus Breath-Hold Diffusion-Weighted MRI of Liver
Lesions: Comparison of Image Quality and Apparent Diffusion Coefficient
Harsh Kandpal, Raju Sharma, K. S. Madhusudhan, and Kulwant Singh
AJR 2009;192:915-922
The Bloody Pancreas: MDCT and MRI Features of Hypervascular and Hemorrhagic
Pancreatic Conditions
V. Anik Sahni and Koenraad J. Mortele
AJR 2009;192:923-935
Scirrhous Metastases to the Gastrointestinal Tract at CT: The Malignant
Target Sign
Marc J. Gollub, Michael B. Schwartz, and Jinru Shia
AJR 2009;192:936-940
Genitourinary Imaging
Spatial Resolution and Radiation Dose of a 64-MDCT Scanner Compared with
Published CT Urography Protocols
Terri J. Vrtiska, Robert P. Hartman, James M. Kofler, Michael R.
Bruesewitz, Bernard F. King, and Cynthia H. McCollough
AJR 2009;192:941-948
Value of Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI and Correlation with Tumor
Angiogenesis in Bladder Cancer
Nermin Tuncbilek, Mustafa Kaplan, Semsi Altaner, Irfan H. Atakan,
Necdet Sut, Osman Inci, and Mustafa Kemal Demir
AJR 2009;192:949-955
PET/CT for the Characterization of Adrenal Masses in Patients with Cancer:
Qualitative Versus Quantitative Accuracy in 150 Consecutive Patients
Giles W. L. Boland, Michael A. Blake, Nagaraj S. Holalkere, and Peter
F. Hahn
AJR 2009;192:956-962
CT Features of Adnexal Involvement in Patients with Diverticulitis
Vikash S. Panghaal, Victoria Chernyak, Michael Patlas, and Alla M.
AJR 2009;192:963-966
Women's Imaging
Probably Benign Breast Masses Diagnosed by Sonography: Is There a
Difference in the Cancer Rate According to Palpability?
Jung Hee Shin, Boo-Kyung Han, Eun Young Ko, Yeon Hyeon Choe, and
Seok-Jin Nam
AJR 2009;192:187-191
Adenomyosis: Sonohysterography with MRI Correlation
Sachit K. Verma, Anna S. Lev-Toaff, Oksana H. Baltarowich, Diane
Bergin, Manisha Verma, and Donald G. Mitchell
AJR 2009;192:1112-1116
A Logistic Regression Model Based on the National Mammography Database
Format to Aid Breast Cancer Diagnosis
Jagpreet Chhatwal, Oguzhan Alagoz, Mary J. Lindstrom, Charles E. Kahn,
Jr., Katherine A. Shaffer, and Elizabeth S. Burnside
AJR 2009;192:1117-1127
Utility of Targeted Sonography for Breast Lesions That Were Suspicious on
Wendy B. DeMartini, Peter R. Eby, Sue Peacock, and Constance D. Lehman
AJR 2009;192:1128-1134
Atypical Ductal Hyperplasia Diagnosed at Sonographically Guided 14-Gauge
Core Needle Biopsy of Breast Mass
Ji Hyun Youk, Eun-Kyung Kim, and Min Jung Kim
AJR 2009;192:1135-1141
Increasing Accuracy of Detection of Breast Cancer with 3-T MRI
Haitham Elsamaloty, Mohamed Salah Elzawawi, Shaden Mohammad, and
Nabeel Herial
AJR 2009;192:1142-1148
Patients' Perceptions of Breast MRI: A Single-Center Study
Shaheen Zakaria, Kathleen R. Brandt, Amy C. Degnim, and Kristine M.
AJR 2009;192:1149-1154
Musculoskeletal Imaging
The Usefulness of Virtual MR Arthroscopy as an Adjunct to Conventional MR
Arthrography in Detecting Anterior Labral Lesions of the Shoulder
Ho-Taek Song, Yong-Min Huh, Sungjun Kim, Sung-Jae Kim, and Jin-Suck
AJR 2009;192:149-155
Ligaments of the Posterior and Lateral Talar Processes: MRI and MR
Arthrography of the Ankle and Posterior Subtalar Joint with Anatomic and
Histologic Correlation
Daniel Pastore, Giovanni G. Cerri, Parviz Haghighi, Debra J. Trudell,
and Donald L. Resnick
AJR 2009;192:967-973
Intervertebral Disk Degeneration Related to Reduced Vertebral Marrow
Perfusion at Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI
Yi-Jui Liu, Guo-Shu Huang, Chun-Jung Juan, Min-Szu Yao, Wei-Pin Ho,
and Wing P. Chan
AJR 2009;192:974-979
Whole-Body MRI Versus PET in Assessment of Multiple Myeloma Disease
Conor P. Shortt, Tadhg G. Gleeson, Karen A. Breen, John McHugh, Martin
J. O'Connell, Peter J. O'Gorman, and Stephen J. Eustace
AJR 2009;192:980-986
Fractures of the Ankylosed Spine: MDCT and MRI with Emphasis on Individual
Anatomic Spinal Structures
Raphael Campagna, Eric Pessis, Antoine Feydy, Henri Guerini, Fabrice
Thevenin, Alain Chevrot, and Jean-Luc Drape
AJR 2009;192:987-995
Initial Experience with Imaging-Guided Intramuscular Botulinum Toxin
Injection in Patients with Idiopathic Cervical Dystonia
In Ho Lee, Young Cheol Yoon, Duk Hyun Sung, Jong Won Kwon, and Jee
Young Jung
AJR 2009;192:996-1001
Vascular and Interventional Radiology
Freehand Real-Time MRI-Guided Lumbar Spinal Injection Procedures at 1.5 T:
Feasibility, Accuracy, and Safety
Jan Fritz, Christoph Thomas, Stephan Clasen, Claus D. Claussen,
Jonathan S. Lewin, and Phillipe L. Pereira
AJR 2009;192:161-167
A Novel Interventional Radiology Technique for Arterial Infusion
Chemotherapy Against Advanced Pancreatic Cancer
Toshihiro Tanaka, Hiroshi Sakaguchi, Masayuki Sho, Kiyosei Yamamoto,
Hideyuki Nishiofuku, Yoshiyuki Nakajima, and Kimihiko Kichikawa
AJR 2009;192:168-177
Endoleaks After Endovascular Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair: Management
Strategies According to CT Findings
Mustafa R. Bashir, Hector Ferral, Chad Jacobs, Walter McCarthy, and
Marshall Goldin
AJR 2009;192:178-186
Identifying Feeding Arteries During TACE of Hepatic Tumors: Comparison of
C-Arm CT and Digital Subtraction Angiography
Jin Iwazawa, Shoichi Ohue, Takashi Mitani, Hisashi Abe, Naoko
Hashimoto, Masao Hamuro, and Kenji Nakamura
AJR 2009;192:1057-1063
Percutaneous Radiofrequency Ablation of Hepatocellular Carcinomas: Factors
Related to Intraprocedural and Postprocedural Pain
Sanghee Lee, Hyunchul Rhim, Young-Sun Kim, Dongil Choi, Won Jae Lee,
Hyo K. Lim, and Byungseop Shin
AJR 2009;192:1064-1070
Effect of Contrast Injection Protocols with Dose Adjusted to the Estimated
Lean Patient Body Weight on Aortic Enhancement at CT Angiography
Yumi Yanaga, Kazuo Awai, Takeshi Nakaura, Seitaro Oda, Yoshinori
Funama, Kyongtae T. Bae, and Yasuyuki Yamashita
AJR 2009;192:1071-1078
Stenosis Detection in Native Hemodialysis Fistulas with MDCT Angiography
Sam Heye, Geert Maleux, Kathleen Claes, Dirk Kuypers, and Raymond Oyen
AJR 2009;192:1079-1084
Fluoroscopic and Sonographic Guidance to Place Peritoneal Catheters: How We
Do It
Ahmed K. Abdel-Aal, Ajay K. Joshi, Souheil Saddekni, and Ivan D. Maya
AJR 2009;192:1085-1089
Percutaneous Implantation of Fiducial Markers for Imaging-Guided Radiation
Nishita Kothary, Sonja Dieterich, John D. Louie, Daniel T. Chang,
Lawrence V. Hofmann, and Daniel Y. Sze
AJR 2009;192:1090-1096
Mesenteric Arterial Variations Detected at MDCT Angiography of Abdominal
Tuncay Hazirolan, Yavuz Metin, Ali Devrim Karaosmanoglu, Murat
Canyigit, Baris Turkbey, Berna Sayan Oguz, and Macit Ariyurek
AJR 2009;192:1097-1102
Treatment of Ureteropelvic Junction Obstruction Using a Detachable
Inflatable Stent: Initial Experience
Timotheus T. C. Overtoom, Peter L. Vijverberg, Hendrik W. van Es,
Sandrine van Selm, and Hans P. M. van Heesewijk
AJR 2009;192:1103-1106
Medical Physics and Informatics
Medical Physics--Meeting the Needs of Radiologists: The Role of the
American Journal of Roentgenology
G. Donald Frey
AJR 2009;192:854
Teaching Physics to Radiology Residents
William R. Hendee
AJR 2009;192:855-858
Teaching Medical Students About Imaging Techniques
Richard B. Gunderman and Christopher D. Stephens
AJR 2009;192:859-861
Misoperation of CT Automatic Tube Current Modulation Systems with
Inappropriate Patient Centering: Phantom Studies
Kosuke Matsubara, Kichiro Koshida, Katsuhiro Ichikawa, Masayuki
Suzuki, Tadanori Takata, Tomoyuki Yamamoto, and Osamu Matsui
AJR 2009;192:862-865
Radiation Dose in a "Triple Rule-Out" Coronary CT Angiography Protocol of
Emergency Department Patients Using 64-MDCT: The Impact of ECG-Based Tube
Current Modulation on Age, Sex, and Body Mass Index
Kevin M. Takakuwa, Ethan J. Halpern, Eric L. Gingold, David C. Levin,
and Frances S. Shofer
AJR 2009;192:866-872
MRI of the Spine: Image Quality and Normal-Neoplastic Bone Marrow Contrast
at 3 T Versus 1.5 T
Jian Zhao, Roland Krug, Duan Xu, Ying Lu, and Thomas M. Link
AJR 2009;192:873-880
Assessment of Patient and Occupational Dose in Established and New
Applications of MDCT Fluoroscopy
Raoul M. S. Joemai, Dirk Zweers, Wim R. Obermann, and Jacob Geleijns
AJR 2009;192:881-886
Health Care Policy and Quality
Cumulative Radiation Exposure and Cancer Risk Estimates in Emergency
Department Patients Undergoing Repeat or Multiple CT
Richard T. Griffey and Aaron Sodickson
AJR 2009;192:887-892
Reply to "Breast Vascular Tumors"
Benoit Mesurolle, Vitaly Sygal, and Lucie Lalonde
AJR 2009;192:192
Administration of Gadolinium-Based Contrast Agents in MR Angiography
Kai Lin
AJR 2009;192:193
Patrick M. Colletti
AJR 2009;192:194
Gadolinium and Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis
Val M. Runge
AJR 2009;192:195-196
Patrick M. Colletti
AJR 2009;192:197
Primary and Postprimary or Reactivation Tuberculosis: Time to Revise
Confusing Terminology?
Ben J. Marais, Sarah K. Parker, S. Verver, A. van Rie, and R. M.
AJR 2009;192:198
Yeon Joo Jeong, Won-Jung Koh, and Kyung Soo Lee
AJR 2009;192:199-200
Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
Prognostic Value of 18F-FDG PET in Patients with Head and Neck Squamous
Cell Cancer
Tatsuo Torizuka, Yasuo Tanizaki, Toshihiko Kanno, Masami Futatsubashi,
Katsumi Naitou, Yo Ueda, and Yasuomi Ouchi
AJR 2009;192:156-160
Whole-Body MRI and FDG PET Fused Images for Evaluation of Patients with
Roberto C. Domingues, Michel P. Carneiro, Fernanda Cristina Rueda
Lopes, Romeu C. Domingues, Lea Mirian Barbosa da Fonseca, and Emerson
L. Gasparetto
AJR 2009;192:1012-1020
Molecular Imaging and Quantitative Measurement of Epidermal Growth Factor
Receptor Expression in Live Cancer Cells Using Immunolabeled Gold
Matthew J. Crow, Gerald Grant, James M. Provenzale, and Adam Wax
AJR 2009;192:1021-1028
Spectrum of Focal Benign Musculoskeletal 18F-FDG Uptake at PET/CT of the
Shoulder and Pelvis
Vladimir Sopov, Hanna Bernstine, Dorit Stern, Nikolay Yefremov, Jacob
Sosna, and David Groshar
AJR 2009;192:1029-1035
Neuroradiology/Head and Neck Imaging
CNS Complications of Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation
Tomokazu Nishiguchi, Kunizo Mochizuki, Miyuki Shakudo, Tohru
Takeshita, Masayuki Hino, and Yuichi Inoue
AJR 2009;192:1003-1011
Radiology (USA) Vol 250 No 3 2009
pp. 609-611
Science to Practice: Can the Combination of Resting First-Pass Myocardial Perfusion and Late Gadolinium-enhanced Cardiovascular MR Imaging Help Identify Myocardial Infarction Resulting from Coronary Microembolization?.
Appelbaum, E.; Manning, W.J.
pp. 612-617
Maintaining Identity in a Changing Environment: The Professional and Organizational Future of Radiology.
Krestin, G.P.
pp. 618-628
Renal Safety of Gadolinium-based Contrast Media in Patients with Chronic Renal Insufficiency.
Ledneva, E.; Karie, S.; Launay-Vacher, V.; Janus, N.; Deray, G.
p. 629
CT and MR Angiography of the Peripheral Circulation: Practical Approach with Clinical Protocols.
p. 630
Clinical Radiology: The Essentials, 3rd ed.
p. 630
Teaching Atlas of Musculoskeletal Imaging.
pp. 631-637
Large-Core Breast Biopsy: Abnormal Salivary Cortisol Profiles Associated with Uncertainty of Diagnosis.
Lang, E.V.; Berbaum, K.S.; Lutgendorf, S.K.
pp. 638-647
Triple-Negative Breast Cancer: Correlation between MR Imaging and Pathologic Findings.
Uematsu, T.; Kasami, M.; Yuen, S.
pp. 648-657
Positive Predictive Value of Specific Mammographic Findings according to Reader and Patient Variables.
Venkatesan, A.; Chu, P.; Kerlikowske, K.; Sickles, E.A.; Smith-Bindman, R.
pp. 658-664
Evaluation of Off-the-Shelf Displays for Use in the American Board of Radiology Maintenance of Certification Examination.
Krupinski, E.A.; Becker, G.J.; Laszakovits, D.; Gerdeman, A.M.; Evanoff, M.G.
pp. 665-673
Tumor Burden in Patients with Neurofibromatosis Types 1 and 2 and Schwannomatosis: Determination on Whole-Body MR Images.
Cai, W.; Kassarjian, A.; Bredella, M.A.; Harris, G.J.; Yoshida, H.; Mautner, V.F.; Wenzel, R.; Plotkin, S.R.
pp. 674-681
Nonionic Iodinated Intravenous Contrast Material-related Reactions: Incidence in Large Urban Children's Hospital-Retrospective Analysis of Data in 12 494 Patients.
Callahan, M.J.; Poznauskis, L.; Zurakowski, D.; Taylor, G.A.
pp. 682-691
Atherosclerosis: Contrast-enhanced MR Imaging of Vessel Wall in Rabbit Model-Comparison of Gadofosveset and Gadopentetate Dimeglumine.
Lobbes, M.B.I.; Miserus, R.-J.J.H.M.; Heeneman, S.; Passos, V.L.; Mutsaers, P.H.A.; Debernardi, N.; Misselwitz, B.; Post, M.; Daemen, M.J.A.P.
pp. 692-702
Mapping the Zonal Organization of Tumor Perfusion and Permeability in a Rat Glioma Model by Using Dynamic Contrast-enhanced Synchrotron Radiation CT.
Balvay, D.; Tropres, I.; Billet, R.; Joubert, A.; Peoc h, M.; Cuenod, C.A.; Le Duc, G.
pp. 703-712
Myocardial Microinfarction after Coronary Microembolization in Swine: MR Imaging Characterization.
Carlsson, M.; Wilson, M.; Martin, A.J.; Saeed, M.
pp. 714-720
Comparative Study of Transcatheter Renal Arterial Embolization with and without Closed Renal Circuit: Pharmacokinetic and Histologic Assessment in Pigs.
Onozawa, S.; Murata, S.; Shimizu, A.; Tajima, H.; Hidaka, F.; Kumita, S.-i.; Nomura, K.
pp. 721-729
Acute Pulmonary Embolism: Relationships between Ground-Glass Opacification at Thin-Section CT and Hemodynamics in Pigs.
Thoma, P.; Rondelet, B.; Melot, C.; Tack, D.; Naeije, R.; Gevenois, P.A.
pp. 730-739
Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer: MR Imaging in Prediction of Response after Preoperative Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy.
Barbaro, B.; Fiorucci, C.; Tebala, C.; Valentini, V.; Gambacorta, M.A.; Vecchio, F.M.; Rizzo, G.; Coco, C.; Crucitti, A.; Ratto, C.
pp. 740-748
Extension of Air into the Right Perirenal Space after Duodenal Perforation: CT Findings.
Yagan, N.; Auh, Y.H.; Fisher, A.
pp. 749-757
Pregnant Patients Suspected of Having Acute Appendicitis: Effect of MR Imaging on Negative Laparotomy Rate and Appendiceal Perforation Rate.
Pedrosa, I.; Lafornara, M.; Pandharipande, P.V.; Goldsmith, J.D.; Rofsky, N.M.
pp. 758-766
Effects of Neoadjuvant Combined Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy on the CT Evaluation of Resectability and Staging in Patients with Pancreatic Head Cancer.
Kim, Y.-E.; Park, M.-S.; Hong, H.-S.; Kang, C.M.; Choi, J.-Y.; Lim, J.S.; Lee, W.J.; Kim, M.-J.; Kim, K.W.
pp. 767-775
Staging of T3 and T4 Gastric Carcinoma with Multidetector CT: Added Value of Multiplanar Reformations for Prediction of Adjacent Organ Invasion.
Kim, Y.H.; Lee, K.H.; Park, S.H.; Kim, H.-H.; Hahn, S.; Park, D.J.; Lee, H.S.
pp. 776-783
Assessing Myometrial Infiltration by Endometrial Cancer: Uterine Virtual Navigation with Three-dimensional US.
Alcazar, J.L.; Galvan, R.; Albela, S.; Martinez, S.; Pahisa, J.; Jurado, M.; Lopez-Garcia, G.
pp. 784-792
Myometrial Invasion in Endometrial Cancer: Diagnostic Accuracy of Diffusion-weighted 3.0-T MR Imaging-Initial Experience.
Lin, G.; Ng, K.-K.; Chang, C.-J.; Wang, J.-J.; Ho, K.-C.; Yen, T.-C.; Wu, T.-I.; Wang, C.-C.; Chen, Y.-R.; Huang, Y.
pp. 793-802
Renal Cell Carcinoma: Dynamic Contrast-enhanced MR Imaging for Differentiation of Tumor Subtypes-Correlation with Pathologic Findings.
Sun, M.R.M.; Ngo, L.; Genega, E.M.; Atkins, M.B.; Finn, M.E.; Rofsky, N.M.; Pedrosa, I.
pp. 803-812
Correlation of MR Imaging and MR Spectroscopic Imaging Findings with Ki-67, Phospho-Akt, and Androgen Receptor Expression in Prostate Cancer.
Shukla-Dave, A.; Hricak, H.; Ishill, N.M.; Moskowitz, C.S.; Drobnjak, M.; Reuter, V.E.; Zakian, K.L.; Scardino, P.T.; Cordon-Cardo, C.
pp. 813-820
Renal Stone Assessment with Dual-Energy Multidetector CT and Advanced Postprocessing Techniques: Improved Characterization of Renal Stone Composition-Pilot Study.
Boll, D.T.; Patil, N.A.; Paulson, E.K.; Merkle, E.M.; Simmons, W.N.; Pierre, S.A.; Preminger, G.M. pp. 821-829
Embryonic Stem Cell Grafting in Normal and Infarcted Myocardium: Serial Assessment with MR Imaging and PET Dual Detection.
Qiao, H.; Zhang, H.; Zheng, Y.; Ponde, D.E.; Shen, D.; Gao, F.; Bakken, A.B.; Schmitz, A.; Kung, H.F.; Ferrari, V.A.
pp. 830-838
Pain and Other Side Effects after MR Arthrography: Prospective Evaluation in 1085 Patients.
Saupe, N.; Zanetti, M.; Pfirrmann, C.W.A.; Wels, T.; Schwenke, C.; Hodler, J.
pp. 839-848
Comparison of 1.5- and 3.0-T MR Imaging for Evaluating the Articular Cartilage of the Knee Joint.
Kijowski, R.; Blankenbaker, D.G.; Davis, K.W.; Shinki, K.; Kaplan, L.D.; De Smet, A.A.
pp. 849-855
Modic Changes on MR Images as Studied with Provocative Diskography: Clinical Relevance -A Retrospective Study of 2457 Disks.
Thompson, K.J.; Dagher, A.P.; Eckel, T.S.; Clark, M.; Reinig, J.W.
pp. 856-866
Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer Disease: Patterns of Altered Cerebral Blood Flow at MR Imaging.
Dai, W.; Lopez, O.L.; Carmichael, O.T.; Becker, J.T.; Kuller, L.H.; Gach, H.M.
pp. 867-877
Hemorrhagic Transformation of Ischemic Stroke: Prediction with CT Perfusion.
Aviv, R.I.; d Esterre, C.D.; Murphy, B.D.; Hopyan, J.J.; Buck, B.; Mallia, G.et al
pp. 878-886
Existence of the Diffusion-Perfusion Mismatch within 24 Hours after Onset of Acute Stroke: Dependence on Proximal Arterial Occlusion.
Copen, W.A.; Gharai, L.R.; Barak, E.R.; Schwamm, L.H.; Wu, O.; Kamalian, S.; Gonzalez, R.G.; Schaefer, P.W.
pp. 887-896
Posttreatment Recurrence of Malignant Brain Neoplasm: Accuracy of Relative Cerebral Blood Volume Fraction in Discriminating Low from High Malignant Histologic Volume Fraction.
Gasparetto, E.L.; Pawlak, M.A.; Patel, S.H.; Huse, J.; Woo, J.H.; Krejza, J. et al
pp. 897-904
Minimally Invasive Autopsy: An Alternative to Conventional Autopsy?.
Weustink, A.C.; Hunink, M.G.M.; van Dijke, C.F.; Renken, N.S.; Krestin, G.P.; Oosterhuis, J.W.
pp. 905-915
Patients with Plasma Cell Disorders Examined at Whole-Body Dynamic Contrast-enhanced MR Imaging: Initial Experience.
Lin, C.; Luciani, A.; Belhadj, K.; Maison, P.; Vignaud, A.; Deux, J.-F.; Zerbib, P.; Pigneur, F.; Itti, E.; Kobeiter, H.
pp. 916-922
Reperfusion Hemorrhage Following Acute Myocardial Infarction: Assessment with T2^* Mapping and Effect on Measuring the Area at Risk.
O Regan, D.P.; Ahmed, R.; Karunanithy, N.; Neuwirth, C.; Tan, Y.; Durighel, G.; Hajnal, J.V.; Nadra, I.; Corbett, S.J.; Cook, S.A.
pp. 923-931
CT Bronchoscopic Simulation for Guiding Transbronchial Needle Aspiration of Extramural Mediastinal and Hilar Lesions: Initial Clinical Results.
Weiner, G.M.; Schulze, K.; Geiger, B.; Ebhardt, H.; Wolf, K.-J.; Albrecht, T.
pp. 932-939
Pulmonary Vein Imaging with Unenhanced Three-dimensional Balanced Steady-State Free Precession MR Angiography: Initial Clinical Evaluation.
Francois, C.J.; Tuite, D.; Deshpande, V.; Jerecic, R.; Weale, P.; Carr, J.C.
hpp. 940-948
Fatty Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Radiofrequency Ablation-Imaging Findings.
Pupulim, L.F.; Hakime, A.; Barrau, V.; Abdel-Rehim, M.; Zappa, M.; Vilgrain, V.
pp. 949-950
Case 147.
Diederichs, G.; Hauptmann, K.; Schroder, R.-J.; Kivelitz, D.
pp. 951-954
Case 143: Madelung Disease.
Landis, M.S.; Etemad-Rezai, R.; Shetty, K.; Goldszmidt, M.
pp. 955-955
Insufficient Spectral Quality to Draw Conclusions.
Boesch, C.; Vermathen, P.; Kreis, R.
pp. 956-956
Bladder Cancer Detection with CT Urography.
Francica, G.; Scarano, F.
pp. 957-958
Logistic Regression Analysis of MR Fetal Lung Volume.
Cheng, P.M.; Sayre, J.W.
pp. 959-959
Gadolinium-based Contrast Agents and Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis.
Vitti, R.A.
Science to Practice: Can the Combination of Resting First-Pass Myocardial Perfusion and Late Gadolinium-enhanced Cardiovascular MR Imaging Help Identify Myocardial Infarction Resulting from Coronary Microembolization?.
Appelbaum, E.; Manning, W.J.
pp. 612-617
Maintaining Identity in a Changing Environment: The Professional and Organizational Future of Radiology.
Krestin, G.P.
pp. 618-628
Renal Safety of Gadolinium-based Contrast Media in Patients with Chronic Renal Insufficiency.
Ledneva, E.; Karie, S.; Launay-Vacher, V.; Janus, N.; Deray, G.
p. 629
CT and MR Angiography of the Peripheral Circulation: Practical Approach with Clinical Protocols.
p. 630
Clinical Radiology: The Essentials, 3rd ed.
p. 630
Teaching Atlas of Musculoskeletal Imaging.
pp. 631-637
Large-Core Breast Biopsy: Abnormal Salivary Cortisol Profiles Associated with Uncertainty of Diagnosis.
Lang, E.V.; Berbaum, K.S.; Lutgendorf, S.K.
pp. 638-647
Triple-Negative Breast Cancer: Correlation between MR Imaging and Pathologic Findings.
Uematsu, T.; Kasami, M.; Yuen, S.
pp. 648-657
Positive Predictive Value of Specific Mammographic Findings according to Reader and Patient Variables.
Venkatesan, A.; Chu, P.; Kerlikowske, K.; Sickles, E.A.; Smith-Bindman, R.
pp. 658-664
Evaluation of Off-the-Shelf Displays for Use in the American Board of Radiology Maintenance of Certification Examination.
Krupinski, E.A.; Becker, G.J.; Laszakovits, D.; Gerdeman, A.M.; Evanoff, M.G.
pp. 665-673
Tumor Burden in Patients with Neurofibromatosis Types 1 and 2 and Schwannomatosis: Determination on Whole-Body MR Images.
Cai, W.; Kassarjian, A.; Bredella, M.A.; Harris, G.J.; Yoshida, H.; Mautner, V.F.; Wenzel, R.; Plotkin, S.R.
pp. 674-681
Nonionic Iodinated Intravenous Contrast Material-related Reactions: Incidence in Large Urban Children's Hospital-Retrospective Analysis of Data in 12 494 Patients.
Callahan, M.J.; Poznauskis, L.; Zurakowski, D.; Taylor, G.A.
pp. 682-691
Atherosclerosis: Contrast-enhanced MR Imaging of Vessel Wall in Rabbit Model-Comparison of Gadofosveset and Gadopentetate Dimeglumine.
Lobbes, M.B.I.; Miserus, R.-J.J.H.M.; Heeneman, S.; Passos, V.L.; Mutsaers, P.H.A.; Debernardi, N.; Misselwitz, B.; Post, M.; Daemen, M.J.A.P.
pp. 692-702
Mapping the Zonal Organization of Tumor Perfusion and Permeability in a Rat Glioma Model by Using Dynamic Contrast-enhanced Synchrotron Radiation CT.
Balvay, D.; Tropres, I.; Billet, R.; Joubert, A.; Peoc h, M.; Cuenod, C.A.; Le Duc, G.
pp. 703-712
Myocardial Microinfarction after Coronary Microembolization in Swine: MR Imaging Characterization.
Carlsson, M.; Wilson, M.; Martin, A.J.; Saeed, M.
pp. 714-720
Comparative Study of Transcatheter Renal Arterial Embolization with and without Closed Renal Circuit: Pharmacokinetic and Histologic Assessment in Pigs.
Onozawa, S.; Murata, S.; Shimizu, A.; Tajima, H.; Hidaka, F.; Kumita, S.-i.; Nomura, K.
pp. 721-729
Acute Pulmonary Embolism: Relationships between Ground-Glass Opacification at Thin-Section CT and Hemodynamics in Pigs.
Thoma, P.; Rondelet, B.; Melot, C.; Tack, D.; Naeije, R.; Gevenois, P.A.
pp. 730-739
Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer: MR Imaging in Prediction of Response after Preoperative Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy.
Barbaro, B.; Fiorucci, C.; Tebala, C.; Valentini, V.; Gambacorta, M.A.; Vecchio, F.M.; Rizzo, G.; Coco, C.; Crucitti, A.; Ratto, C.
pp. 740-748
Extension of Air into the Right Perirenal Space after Duodenal Perforation: CT Findings.
Yagan, N.; Auh, Y.H.; Fisher, A.
pp. 749-757
Pregnant Patients Suspected of Having Acute Appendicitis: Effect of MR Imaging on Negative Laparotomy Rate and Appendiceal Perforation Rate.
Pedrosa, I.; Lafornara, M.; Pandharipande, P.V.; Goldsmith, J.D.; Rofsky, N.M.
pp. 758-766
Effects of Neoadjuvant Combined Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy on the CT Evaluation of Resectability and Staging in Patients with Pancreatic Head Cancer.
Kim, Y.-E.; Park, M.-S.; Hong, H.-S.; Kang, C.M.; Choi, J.-Y.; Lim, J.S.; Lee, W.J.; Kim, M.-J.; Kim, K.W.
pp. 767-775
Staging of T3 and T4 Gastric Carcinoma with Multidetector CT: Added Value of Multiplanar Reformations for Prediction of Adjacent Organ Invasion.
Kim, Y.H.; Lee, K.H.; Park, S.H.; Kim, H.-H.; Hahn, S.; Park, D.J.; Lee, H.S.
pp. 776-783
Assessing Myometrial Infiltration by Endometrial Cancer: Uterine Virtual Navigation with Three-dimensional US.
Alcazar, J.L.; Galvan, R.; Albela, S.; Martinez, S.; Pahisa, J.; Jurado, M.; Lopez-Garcia, G.
pp. 784-792
Myometrial Invasion in Endometrial Cancer: Diagnostic Accuracy of Diffusion-weighted 3.0-T MR Imaging-Initial Experience.
Lin, G.; Ng, K.-K.; Chang, C.-J.; Wang, J.-J.; Ho, K.-C.; Yen, T.-C.; Wu, T.-I.; Wang, C.-C.; Chen, Y.-R.; Huang, Y.
pp. 793-802
Renal Cell Carcinoma: Dynamic Contrast-enhanced MR Imaging for Differentiation of Tumor Subtypes-Correlation with Pathologic Findings.
Sun, M.R.M.; Ngo, L.; Genega, E.M.; Atkins, M.B.; Finn, M.E.; Rofsky, N.M.; Pedrosa, I.
pp. 803-812
Correlation of MR Imaging and MR Spectroscopic Imaging Findings with Ki-67, Phospho-Akt, and Androgen Receptor Expression in Prostate Cancer.
Shukla-Dave, A.; Hricak, H.; Ishill, N.M.; Moskowitz, C.S.; Drobnjak, M.; Reuter, V.E.; Zakian, K.L.; Scardino, P.T.; Cordon-Cardo, C.
pp. 813-820
Renal Stone Assessment with Dual-Energy Multidetector CT and Advanced Postprocessing Techniques: Improved Characterization of Renal Stone Composition-Pilot Study.
Boll, D.T.; Patil, N.A.; Paulson, E.K.; Merkle, E.M.; Simmons, W.N.; Pierre, S.A.; Preminger, G.M. pp. 821-829
Embryonic Stem Cell Grafting in Normal and Infarcted Myocardium: Serial Assessment with MR Imaging and PET Dual Detection.
Qiao, H.; Zhang, H.; Zheng, Y.; Ponde, D.E.; Shen, D.; Gao, F.; Bakken, A.B.; Schmitz, A.; Kung, H.F.; Ferrari, V.A.
pp. 830-838
Pain and Other Side Effects after MR Arthrography: Prospective Evaluation in 1085 Patients.
Saupe, N.; Zanetti, M.; Pfirrmann, C.W.A.; Wels, T.; Schwenke, C.; Hodler, J.
pp. 839-848
Comparison of 1.5- and 3.0-T MR Imaging for Evaluating the Articular Cartilage of the Knee Joint.
Kijowski, R.; Blankenbaker, D.G.; Davis, K.W.; Shinki, K.; Kaplan, L.D.; De Smet, A.A.
pp. 849-855
Modic Changes on MR Images as Studied with Provocative Diskography: Clinical Relevance -A Retrospective Study of 2457 Disks.
Thompson, K.J.; Dagher, A.P.; Eckel, T.S.; Clark, M.; Reinig, J.W.
pp. 856-866
Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer Disease: Patterns of Altered Cerebral Blood Flow at MR Imaging.
Dai, W.; Lopez, O.L.; Carmichael, O.T.; Becker, J.T.; Kuller, L.H.; Gach, H.M.
pp. 867-877
Hemorrhagic Transformation of Ischemic Stroke: Prediction with CT Perfusion.
Aviv, R.I.; d Esterre, C.D.; Murphy, B.D.; Hopyan, J.J.; Buck, B.; Mallia, G.et al
pp. 878-886
Existence of the Diffusion-Perfusion Mismatch within 24 Hours after Onset of Acute Stroke: Dependence on Proximal Arterial Occlusion.
Copen, W.A.; Gharai, L.R.; Barak, E.R.; Schwamm, L.H.; Wu, O.; Kamalian, S.; Gonzalez, R.G.; Schaefer, P.W.
pp. 887-896
Posttreatment Recurrence of Malignant Brain Neoplasm: Accuracy of Relative Cerebral Blood Volume Fraction in Discriminating Low from High Malignant Histologic Volume Fraction.
Gasparetto, E.L.; Pawlak, M.A.; Patel, S.H.; Huse, J.; Woo, J.H.; Krejza, J. et al
pp. 897-904
Minimally Invasive Autopsy: An Alternative to Conventional Autopsy?.
Weustink, A.C.; Hunink, M.G.M.; van Dijke, C.F.; Renken, N.S.; Krestin, G.P.; Oosterhuis, J.W.
pp. 905-915
Patients with Plasma Cell Disorders Examined at Whole-Body Dynamic Contrast-enhanced MR Imaging: Initial Experience.
Lin, C.; Luciani, A.; Belhadj, K.; Maison, P.; Vignaud, A.; Deux, J.-F.; Zerbib, P.; Pigneur, F.; Itti, E.; Kobeiter, H.
pp. 916-922
Reperfusion Hemorrhage Following Acute Myocardial Infarction: Assessment with T2^* Mapping and Effect on Measuring the Area at Risk.
O Regan, D.P.; Ahmed, R.; Karunanithy, N.; Neuwirth, C.; Tan, Y.; Durighel, G.; Hajnal, J.V.; Nadra, I.; Corbett, S.J.; Cook, S.A.
pp. 923-931
CT Bronchoscopic Simulation for Guiding Transbronchial Needle Aspiration of Extramural Mediastinal and Hilar Lesions: Initial Clinical Results.
Weiner, G.M.; Schulze, K.; Geiger, B.; Ebhardt, H.; Wolf, K.-J.; Albrecht, T.
pp. 932-939
Pulmonary Vein Imaging with Unenhanced Three-dimensional Balanced Steady-State Free Precession MR Angiography: Initial Clinical Evaluation.
Francois, C.J.; Tuite, D.; Deshpande, V.; Jerecic, R.; Weale, P.; Carr, J.C.
hpp. 940-948
Fatty Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Radiofrequency Ablation-Imaging Findings.
Pupulim, L.F.; Hakime, A.; Barrau, V.; Abdel-Rehim, M.; Zappa, M.; Vilgrain, V.
pp. 949-950
Case 147.
Diederichs, G.; Hauptmann, K.; Schroder, R.-J.; Kivelitz, D.
pp. 951-954
Case 143: Madelung Disease.
Landis, M.S.; Etemad-Rezai, R.; Shetty, K.; Goldszmidt, M.
pp. 955-955
Insufficient Spectral Quality to Draw Conclusions.
Boesch, C.; Vermathen, P.; Kreis, R.
pp. 956-956
Bladder Cancer Detection with CT Urography.
Francica, G.; Scarano, F.
pp. 957-958
Logistic Regression Analysis of MR Fetal Lung Volume.
Cheng, P.M.; Sayre, J.W.
pp. 959-959
Gadolinium-based Contrast Agents and Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis.
Vitti, R.A.
Articles from Spine
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Zuhlke, Todd ; Fine, Jason ; Haughton, Victor M.; Anderson, Paul A.
Accuracy of Dynamic Computed Tomography to Calculate Rotation Occurring at Lumbar Spinal Motion Segments
Spine. 34(6):E215-E218, March 15, 2009.
Study Design. Reliability study comparing computed tomography (CT) to biomechanics.Objective. To measure the accuracy and precision of such measurements in comparison with a standard method.Summary of Background Data. Rotations of lumbar spinal motion segments can be measured with dynamic CT imaging. This may be a useful tool to measure intersegmental motion. Validation of its use is lacking.Methods. Human cadaveric lumbar spines were fixed in a rigid rotation device and rotated, whereas rotation at each level was measured with extensiometers. Rotation at each level was calculated as a percent of total rotation. The spines were placed in a CT scanner and imaged after rotation of the spine in each direction. The percent of total rotation that occurred at each level was calculated with a software program. Accuracy of the CT method was calculated as the average difference between methods. Precision was measured as the standard deviation of the CT measurement. Biomechanical testing and CT were repeated after the posterior anulus fibrosus at L3-L4 was incised with a scalpel. The power of the CT method to detect a change in rotation was tested by calculating the difference between the pre- and postsurgery rotation at L3-L4 and testing it for significance with a Student t test of paired samples.Results. Differences between CT and biomechanical measurements averaged 0.2%. Precision was 6.0% ( Table 1). Postanular injury, percent rotation at the L3-L4 level increased, whereas it decreased at the other 4 levels. The change at L3-L4 was statistically significant (P = 0.047).(C) 2009 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.
Takahashi, Shinobu ; Saruhashi, Yasuo ; Odate, Seiichi ; Matsusue, Yoshitaka ; Morikawa, Shigehiro
Percutaneous Aspiration of Spinal Terminal Ventricle Cysts Using Real-Time Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Navigation
Spine. 34(6):629-634, March 15, 2009.
Study Design. Clinical case series.Objective. To present a new innovative treatment option for cysts of the terminal ventricle.Summary of Background Data. Invasive surgery including laminectomy and cyst fenestration has been the sole reported method of treatment for this rare pathology.Methods. Four cases of symptomatic cyst of the terminal ventricle of the spinal cord were treated by percutaneous aspiration using real-time guidance with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and optically-tracking navigation.Results. Three patients were treated successfully by this percutaneous method, and for 1 patient the treatment was converted to conventional surgery after a single unsuccessful trial of percutaneous puncture. All patients were relieved of their symptoms without any complication. Follow-up MRI revealed continued shrinkage of the cysts after both surgery and MRI-guided percutaneous fenestration.Conclusion. MRI-navigated percutaneous aspiration can be a minimally-invasive treatment option for symptomatic cysts of the terminal ventricle, and therefore, can be indicated before more invasive surgery might be scheduled.(C) 2009 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.
Benz, Becky K. ; Gemery, John M. ; McIntyre, John J. ; Eskey, Clifford J.
Value of Immediate Preprocedure Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Patients Scheduled to Undergo Vertebroplasty or Kyphoplasty
Spine. 34(6):609-612, March 15, 2009.
Study Design. Retrospective case series.Objective. To determine the incidence of additional vertebral compression fractures diagnosed with repeat MRI immediately before vertebroplasty or kyphoplasty.Summary of Background Data. Vertebral compression fractures, which occur frequently in the elderly, are more likely in patients with prior vertebral compression fracture. When patients are evaluated for vertebroplasty, it is important to identify all unhealed fractures for effective treatment planning.Methods. In a retrospective study, we reviewed the records of all patients (n = 194) treated with vertebroplasty or kyphoplasty over a 6-year period at our institution, and identified all patients who had undergone a repeat MRI within 7 days of vertebroplasty or kyphoplasty. These studies were obtained as part of a clinical protocol prescribing a repeat MRI for any patient whose MRI had been obtained more than 3 months before the evaluation, or who had a change in their pain between referral and evaluation.Results. Twenty patients met inclusion criteria for the immediate preprocedure MRI protocol. A total of 14 new fractures in 11 patients were discovered on the immediate preprocedure MRI. Of these 14, 6 had less than 15% loss of height, making them potentially occult on radiographs; 3 fractures developed in 2 patients who had no change in back pain.Conclusion. In select candidates for vertebroplasty or kyphoplasty, a repeat preprocedure MRI obtained within 1 week can help ensure that all painful fractures are treated. There is demonstrable value in this protocol for patients with an imaging evaluation over 3 months old or who have had any change in symptoms since the initial imaging workup.(C) 2009 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.
Freedman, Brett A. Horton, William C. Rhee, John M. Edwards, Charles C. II Kuklo, Timothy R.
Reliability Analysis for Manual Radiographic Measures of Rotatory Subluxation or Lateral Listhesis in Adult Scoliosis.
Spine. 34(6):603-608, March 15, 2009.
Study Design. Retrospective observational study.Objective. To define the inter- and intraobserver reliability of 3 measures of rotatory subluxation (RS) in adult scoliosis (AS).Summary of Background Data. RS is a hallmark of AS. To accurately track this measure, one must know its reliability. Reliability testing has not been performed.Methods. PA 36" films of 29 AS patients were collected from one surgeon's practice. Three observers on 2 separate occasions measured all levels with >=3-mm RS (60 levels, 360 measurements) on the convexity of the involved segment using 3 different techniques-midbody (MB), endplate (EP), and centroid (C). These data were then analyzed to determine the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) for inter- and intraobserver reliability.Results. The thoracolumbar/lumbar curve (average 58[degrees]) was the major curve for the majority (62%) of patients. RS at L3/4 was most common (35%). The overall inter- and intraobserver reliability was good-excellent for all methods, but the centroid method consistently had the highest ICC. ICC correlated with observer experience. Moderate-severe arthritic change (present in 55%) and poor image quality (52%) decreased ICC, but it still remained good-excellent for each measure. The reproducibility coefficient for each measure was 4 mm for MB and 2.8 mm for C and EP.Conclusion. MB, EP, and C are reliable techniques to measure RS even in elderly arthritic spines, but the methods inherently produce different values for a given level. The centroid method is most reliable and least influenced by experience. The EP method is easy to perform and very reliable. Spine surgeons should pick their preferred method and apply it consistently. Changes >3 mm suggest RS progression. RS may be a useful measure in addition to Cobb angle in AS. Having defined measurement reliability, the role of RS progression in surgical indications and patient outcomes can be evaluated.
Zuhlke, Todd ; Fine, Jason ; Haughton, Victor M.; Anderson, Paul A.
Accuracy of Dynamic Computed Tomography to Calculate Rotation Occurring at Lumbar Spinal Motion Segments
Spine. 34(6):E215-E218, March 15, 2009.
Study Design. Reliability study comparing computed tomography (CT) to biomechanics.Objective. To measure the accuracy and precision of such measurements in comparison with a standard method.Summary of Background Data. Rotations of lumbar spinal motion segments can be measured with dynamic CT imaging. This may be a useful tool to measure intersegmental motion. Validation of its use is lacking.Methods. Human cadaveric lumbar spines were fixed in a rigid rotation device and rotated, whereas rotation at each level was measured with extensiometers. Rotation at each level was calculated as a percent of total rotation. The spines were placed in a CT scanner and imaged after rotation of the spine in each direction. The percent of total rotation that occurred at each level was calculated with a software program. Accuracy of the CT method was calculated as the average difference between methods. Precision was measured as the standard deviation of the CT measurement. Biomechanical testing and CT were repeated after the posterior anulus fibrosus at L3-L4 was incised with a scalpel. The power of the CT method to detect a change in rotation was tested by calculating the difference between the pre- and postsurgery rotation at L3-L4 and testing it for significance with a Student t test of paired samples.Results. Differences between CT and biomechanical measurements averaged 0.2%. Precision was 6.0% ( Table 1). Postanular injury, percent rotation at the L3-L4 level increased, whereas it decreased at the other 4 levels. The change at L3-L4 was statistically significant (P = 0.047).(C) 2009 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.
Takahashi, Shinobu ; Saruhashi, Yasuo ; Odate, Seiichi ; Matsusue, Yoshitaka ; Morikawa, Shigehiro
Percutaneous Aspiration of Spinal Terminal Ventricle Cysts Using Real-Time Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Navigation
Spine. 34(6):629-634, March 15, 2009.
Study Design. Clinical case series.Objective. To present a new innovative treatment option for cysts of the terminal ventricle.Summary of Background Data. Invasive surgery including laminectomy and cyst fenestration has been the sole reported method of treatment for this rare pathology.Methods. Four cases of symptomatic cyst of the terminal ventricle of the spinal cord were treated by percutaneous aspiration using real-time guidance with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and optically-tracking navigation.Results. Three patients were treated successfully by this percutaneous method, and for 1 patient the treatment was converted to conventional surgery after a single unsuccessful trial of percutaneous puncture. All patients were relieved of their symptoms without any complication. Follow-up MRI revealed continued shrinkage of the cysts after both surgery and MRI-guided percutaneous fenestration.Conclusion. MRI-navigated percutaneous aspiration can be a minimally-invasive treatment option for symptomatic cysts of the terminal ventricle, and therefore, can be indicated before more invasive surgery might be scheduled.(C) 2009 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.
Benz, Becky K. ; Gemery, John M. ; McIntyre, John J. ; Eskey, Clifford J.
Value of Immediate Preprocedure Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Patients Scheduled to Undergo Vertebroplasty or Kyphoplasty
Spine. 34(6):609-612, March 15, 2009.
Study Design. Retrospective case series.Objective. To determine the incidence of additional vertebral compression fractures diagnosed with repeat MRI immediately before vertebroplasty or kyphoplasty.Summary of Background Data. Vertebral compression fractures, which occur frequently in the elderly, are more likely in patients with prior vertebral compression fracture. When patients are evaluated for vertebroplasty, it is important to identify all unhealed fractures for effective treatment planning.Methods. In a retrospective study, we reviewed the records of all patients (n = 194) treated with vertebroplasty or kyphoplasty over a 6-year period at our institution, and identified all patients who had undergone a repeat MRI within 7 days of vertebroplasty or kyphoplasty. These studies were obtained as part of a clinical protocol prescribing a repeat MRI for any patient whose MRI had been obtained more than 3 months before the evaluation, or who had a change in their pain between referral and evaluation.Results. Twenty patients met inclusion criteria for the immediate preprocedure MRI protocol. A total of 14 new fractures in 11 patients were discovered on the immediate preprocedure MRI. Of these 14, 6 had less than 15% loss of height, making them potentially occult on radiographs; 3 fractures developed in 2 patients who had no change in back pain.Conclusion. In select candidates for vertebroplasty or kyphoplasty, a repeat preprocedure MRI obtained within 1 week can help ensure that all painful fractures are treated. There is demonstrable value in this protocol for patients with an imaging evaluation over 3 months old or who have had any change in symptoms since the initial imaging workup.(C) 2009 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.
Freedman, Brett A. Horton, William C. Rhee, John M. Edwards, Charles C. II Kuklo, Timothy R.
Reliability Analysis for Manual Radiographic Measures of Rotatory Subluxation or Lateral Listhesis in Adult Scoliosis.
Spine. 34(6):603-608, March 15, 2009.
Study Design. Retrospective observational study.Objective. To define the inter- and intraobserver reliability of 3 measures of rotatory subluxation (RS) in adult scoliosis (AS).Summary of Background Data. RS is a hallmark of AS. To accurately track this measure, one must know its reliability. Reliability testing has not been performed.Methods. PA 36" films of 29 AS patients were collected from one surgeon's practice. Three observers on 2 separate occasions measured all levels with >=3-mm RS (60 levels, 360 measurements) on the convexity of the involved segment using 3 different techniques-midbody (MB), endplate (EP), and centroid (C). These data were then analyzed to determine the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) for inter- and intraobserver reliability.Results. The thoracolumbar/lumbar curve (average 58[degrees]) was the major curve for the majority (62%) of patients. RS at L3/4 was most common (35%). The overall inter- and intraobserver reliability was good-excellent for all methods, but the centroid method consistently had the highest ICC. ICC correlated with observer experience. Moderate-severe arthritic change (present in 55%) and poor image quality (52%) decreased ICC, but it still remained good-excellent for each measure. The reproducibility coefficient for each measure was 4 mm for MB and 2.8 mm for C and EP.Conclusion. MB, EP, and C are reliable techniques to measure RS even in elderly arthritic spines, but the methods inherently produce different values for a given level. The centroid method is most reliable and least influenced by experience. The EP method is easy to perform and very reliable. Spine surgeons should pick their preferred method and apply it consistently. Changes >3 mm suggest RS progression. RS may be a useful measure in addition to Cobb angle in AS. Having defined measurement reliability, the role of RS progression in surgical indications and patient outcomes can be evaluated.
Diabetic Medicine
Link to full text of journal
Nasruddin, A B ; Byrne, C D
Prevalence of fatty liver disease based on radiological imaging in Type 2 diabetes and associations with metabolic parameters and liver function tests: P387.[Abstract]
Diabetic Medicine. 26(1) (Sup 1):153, March 2009.
Liu, Y; Brackenridge, A; Carroll, P; Thomas, S;
Case study: latrogenic MRSA with negative MRI spine in a diabetic patient: P214.[Abstract]
Diabetic Medicine. 26(1) (Sup 1):101-102, March 2009.
Wilkinson, I D ; Gandhi, R ; Hutton, M ; Emery, C ; Craig, N ; Selvarajah, D ; Tesfaye, S
Magnetic resonance diffusion tractography in diabetic neuropathy: imaging the spinal-corticosomatosensory pathways: P113.[Abstract]
Diabetic Medicine. 26(1) (Sup 1):72, March 2009.
Nasruddin, A B ; Byrne, C D
Prevalence of fatty liver disease based on radiological imaging in Type 2 diabetes and associations with metabolic parameters and liver function tests: P387.[Abstract]
Diabetic Medicine. 26(1) (Sup 1):153, March 2009.
Liu, Y; Brackenridge, A; Carroll, P; Thomas, S;
Case study: latrogenic MRSA with negative MRI spine in a diabetic patient: P214.[Abstract]
Diabetic Medicine. 26(1) (Sup 1):101-102, March 2009.
Wilkinson, I D ; Gandhi, R ; Hutton, M ; Emery, C ; Craig, N ; Selvarajah, D ; Tesfaye, S
Magnetic resonance diffusion tractography in diabetic neuropathy: imaging the spinal-corticosomatosensory pathways: P113.[Abstract]
Diabetic Medicine. 26(1) (Sup 1):72, March 2009.
Articles from Neurology
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Grommes, Christian ; Oghlakian, Roger ; Blackham, Kristina A. ; De Georgia, Michael A.
Corpus callosum dysgenesis limits MRI changes to one hemisphere in status epilepticus
Neurology. 72(10):942, March 10, 2009.
Bonhomme, G R. MD *; Waldman, A T. MD *; Balcer, L J. MD, MSCE; Daniels, A B. et al
Pediatric optic neuritis: Brain MRI abnormalities and risk of multiple sclerosis
Neurology. 72(10):881-885, March 10, 2009.
Background: Optic neuritis is often the initial presentation of multiple sclerosis (MS). As established by the Optic Neuritis Treatment Trial, an abnormal baseline brain MRI is a strong predictor of MS after isolated optic neuritis in adults. However, the rate of conversion to MS after optic neuritis in children based upon brain MRI findings is unknown.Methods: We reviewed the medical records of children (<18 p =" 0.04," chop =" Children's" flair =" fluid-attenuated" ms =" multiple" nmo =" neuromyelitis" ontt =" Optic">
Lee, K Y. ; Latour, L L. ; Luby, M ; Hsia, A W. ; Merino, J G. , MPhil; Warach, S
Distal hyperintense vessels on FLAIR: An MRI marker for collateral circulation in acute stroke?
Publish Ahead of Print, POST AUTHOR CORRECTIONS, 11 February 2009
Background: Hyperintense vessels (HV) on fluid-attenuated inversion recovery imaging are frequently observed in acute ischemic stroke patients. However, the exact mechanism and clinical implications of this sign have not yet been clearly defined. The features of HV and its relevance to other imaging factors are presented here.Methods: Prominence and location of HV were documented in 52 consecutive patients with middle cerebral artery (MCA) territory infarction, before treatment with IV recombinant tissue plasminogen activator. Pretreatment ischemic lesion volume, perfusion lesion volume, and vessel occlusion were determined in addition to recanalization status and ischemic lesion volume on follow-up imaging. NIH Stroke Scale (NIHSS) was used as a measure of clinical severity.Results: HV distal to arterial occlusion was observed in 73% of patients; more frequent in proximal than distal MCA occlusion patients. Among the 38 patients with proximal MCA occlusion, initial perfusion lesion volume was comparable among patients with different grade distal HV. However, patients with more prominent distal HV had smaller initial, 24-hour, and subacute ischemic lesion volumes and lower initial NIHSS scores.Conclusions: The presence of distal hyperintense vessels before thrombolytic treatment is associated with large diffusion-perfusion mismatch and smaller subacute ischemic lesion volumes in patients with proximal middle cerebral artery occlusion.GLOSSARY: DWI = diffusion-weighted imaging; FLAIR = fluid-attenuated inversion recovery; GRE = gradient recalled echo; HV = hyperintense vessels; MCA = middle cerebral artery; MRA = magnetic resonance angiography; MTT = mean transit time; NIHSS = NIH Stroke Scale; PWI = perfusion-weighted imaging; rt-PA = recombinant tissue plasminogen activator; TE = echo time; TI = inversion time; TIMI = thrombolysis in myocardial infarction; TR = repetition time.
Cadavid, D ; Wolansky, L J. ; Skurnick, J ; Lincoln, J et al
Efficacy of treatment of MS with IFN[beta]-1b or glatiramer acetate by monthly brain MRI in the BECOME study
Publish Ahead of Print, POST AUTHOR CORRECTIONS, 11 March 2009
Background: There are no published MRI studies comparing interferon beta 1b (IFN[beta]-1b) and glatiramer acetate (GA) for treatment of relapsing multiple sclerosis (MS).Objective: To compare the efficacy of IFN[beta]-1b and GA for suppression of MS disease activity as evidenced on frequent brain MRI.Methods: A total of 75 patients with relapsing-remitting MS or clinically isolated syndromes were randomized to standard doses of IFN[beta]-1b or GA and followed by monthly brain MRI for up to 2 years with a protocol optimized to detect enhancement. The primary outcome was the number of combined active lesions (CAL) per patient per scan during the first year, which included all enhancing lesions and nonenhancing new T2/fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) lesions. Secondary outcomes were the number of new lesions and clinical exacerbations over 2 years.Results: Baseline characteristics were similar between the groups. The primary outcome showed similar median (75th percentile) CAL per patient per scan for months 1-12, 0.63 (2.76) for IFN[beta]-1b, and 0.58 (2.45) for GA (p = 0.58). There were no differences in new lesion or clinical relapses for 2 years. Only 4.4% of CAL on monthly MRI scans were nonenhancing new T2/FLAIR lesions.Conclusion: Patients with relapsing multiple sclerosis randomized to interferon beta 1b or glatiramer acetate showed similar MRI and clinical activity.GLOSSARY: ARR = annualized relapse rates; BECOME = Betaseron vs Copaxone in Multiple Sclerosis with Triple-Dose Gadolinium and 3-Tesla MRI Endpoints; CAL = combined active lesions; CIS = clinically isolated syndromes; EDSS = Expanded Disability Status Scale; GA = glatiramer acetate; IFN[beta]-1b = interferon beta 1b; FLAIR = fluid-attenuated inversion recovery; MS = multiple sclerosis; MSFC = Multiple Sclerosis Functional Composite; NEL = newly enhancing lesions; NL = new lesions; RRMS = relapsing-remitting MS; SNRS = Scripps Neurological Rating Scale.(C)2009AAN Enterprises, Inc.
Mlynash, M MD, MS; Olivot, J H. MD, PhD; Tong, D C. MD, FAHA; Lansberg, M G. et al
Yield of combined perfusion and diffusion MR imaging in hemispheric TIA
Publish Ahead of Print, POST AUTHOR CORRECTIONS, 17 December 2008
Objective: Transient ischemic attacks (TIA) predict future stroke. However, there are no sensitive and specific diagnostic criteria for TIA and interobserver agreement regarding the diagnosis is poor. Diffusion-weighted MRI (DWI) demonstrates acute ischemic lesions in approximately 30% of TIA patients; the yield of perfusion-weighted MRI (PWI) is unclear.Methods: We prospectively performed both DWI and PWI within 48 hours of symptom onset in consecutive patients admitted with suspected hemispheric TIAs of <24 hours symptom duration. Two independent raters, blinded to clinical features, assessed the presence and location of acute DWI and PWI lesions. Lesions were correlated with suspected clinical localization and baseline characteristics. Clinical features predictive of a PWI lesion were assessed.Results: Forty-three patients met the inclusion criteria. Thirty-three percent had a PWI lesion and 35% had a DWI lesion. Seven patients (16%) had both PWI and DWI lesions and 7 (16%) had only PWI lesions. The combined yield for identification of either a PWI or a DWI was 51%. DWI lesions occurred in the clinically suspected hemisphere in 93% of patients; PWI lesions in 86%. PWI lesions occurred more frequently when the MRI was performed within 12 hours of symptom resolution, in patients with symptoms of speech impairment, and among individuals younger than 60 years.Conclusions: The combination of early diffusion-weighted MRI and perfusion-weighted MRI can document the presence of a cerebral ischemic lesion in approximately half of all patients who present with a suspected hemispheric transient ischemic attack (TIA). MRI has the potential to improve the accuracy of TIA diagnosis.GLOSSARY: ACA = anterior cerebral artery; CI = confidence interval; DWI = diffusion-weighted MRI; ICA = internal carotid artery; MCA = middle cerebral artery; MRA = magnetic resonance angiography; MTT = mean transit time; OR = odds ratios; PCA = posterior cerebral artery; PWI = perfusion-weighted MRI; RR = risk ratios; TIA = transient ischemic attacks; TOAST = Trial of Org 10172 in Acute Stroke Treatment.(C)2009AAN Enterprises, Inc.
Grommes, Christian ; Oghlakian, Roger ; Blackham, Kristina A. ; De Georgia, Michael A.
Corpus callosum dysgenesis limits MRI changes to one hemisphere in status epilepticus
Neurology. 72(10):942, March 10, 2009.
Bonhomme, G R. MD *; Waldman, A T. MD *; Balcer, L J. MD, MSCE; Daniels, A B. et al
Pediatric optic neuritis: Brain MRI abnormalities and risk of multiple sclerosis
Neurology. 72(10):881-885, March 10, 2009.
Background: Optic neuritis is often the initial presentation of multiple sclerosis (MS). As established by the Optic Neuritis Treatment Trial, an abnormal baseline brain MRI is a strong predictor of MS after isolated optic neuritis in adults. However, the rate of conversion to MS after optic neuritis in children based upon brain MRI findings is unknown.Methods: We reviewed the medical records of children (<18 p =" 0.04," chop =" Children's" flair =" fluid-attenuated" ms =" multiple" nmo =" neuromyelitis" ontt =" Optic">
Lee, K Y. ; Latour, L L. ; Luby, M ; Hsia, A W. ; Merino, J G. , MPhil; Warach, S
Distal hyperintense vessels on FLAIR: An MRI marker for collateral circulation in acute stroke?
Publish Ahead of Print, POST AUTHOR CORRECTIONS, 11 February 2009
Background: Hyperintense vessels (HV) on fluid-attenuated inversion recovery imaging are frequently observed in acute ischemic stroke patients. However, the exact mechanism and clinical implications of this sign have not yet been clearly defined. The features of HV and its relevance to other imaging factors are presented here.Methods: Prominence and location of HV were documented in 52 consecutive patients with middle cerebral artery (MCA) territory infarction, before treatment with IV recombinant tissue plasminogen activator. Pretreatment ischemic lesion volume, perfusion lesion volume, and vessel occlusion were determined in addition to recanalization status and ischemic lesion volume on follow-up imaging. NIH Stroke Scale (NIHSS) was used as a measure of clinical severity.Results: HV distal to arterial occlusion was observed in 73% of patients; more frequent in proximal than distal MCA occlusion patients. Among the 38 patients with proximal MCA occlusion, initial perfusion lesion volume was comparable among patients with different grade distal HV. However, patients with more prominent distal HV had smaller initial, 24-hour, and subacute ischemic lesion volumes and lower initial NIHSS scores.Conclusions: The presence of distal hyperintense vessels before thrombolytic treatment is associated with large diffusion-perfusion mismatch and smaller subacute ischemic lesion volumes in patients with proximal middle cerebral artery occlusion.GLOSSARY: DWI = diffusion-weighted imaging; FLAIR = fluid-attenuated inversion recovery; GRE = gradient recalled echo; HV = hyperintense vessels; MCA = middle cerebral artery; MRA = magnetic resonance angiography; MTT = mean transit time; NIHSS = NIH Stroke Scale; PWI = perfusion-weighted imaging; rt-PA = recombinant tissue plasminogen activator; TE = echo time; TI = inversion time; TIMI = thrombolysis in myocardial infarction; TR = repetition time.
Cadavid, D ; Wolansky, L J. ; Skurnick, J ; Lincoln, J et al
Efficacy of treatment of MS with IFN[beta]-1b or glatiramer acetate by monthly brain MRI in the BECOME study
Publish Ahead of Print, POST AUTHOR CORRECTIONS, 11 March 2009
Background: There are no published MRI studies comparing interferon beta 1b (IFN[beta]-1b) and glatiramer acetate (GA) for treatment of relapsing multiple sclerosis (MS).Objective: To compare the efficacy of IFN[beta]-1b and GA for suppression of MS disease activity as evidenced on frequent brain MRI.Methods: A total of 75 patients with relapsing-remitting MS or clinically isolated syndromes were randomized to standard doses of IFN[beta]-1b or GA and followed by monthly brain MRI for up to 2 years with a protocol optimized to detect enhancement. The primary outcome was the number of combined active lesions (CAL) per patient per scan during the first year, which included all enhancing lesions and nonenhancing new T2/fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) lesions. Secondary outcomes were the number of new lesions and clinical exacerbations over 2 years.Results: Baseline characteristics were similar between the groups. The primary outcome showed similar median (75th percentile) CAL per patient per scan for months 1-12, 0.63 (2.76) for IFN[beta]-1b, and 0.58 (2.45) for GA (p = 0.58). There were no differences in new lesion or clinical relapses for 2 years. Only 4.4% of CAL on monthly MRI scans were nonenhancing new T2/FLAIR lesions.Conclusion: Patients with relapsing multiple sclerosis randomized to interferon beta 1b or glatiramer acetate showed similar MRI and clinical activity.GLOSSARY: ARR = annualized relapse rates; BECOME = Betaseron vs Copaxone in Multiple Sclerosis with Triple-Dose Gadolinium and 3-Tesla MRI Endpoints; CAL = combined active lesions; CIS = clinically isolated syndromes; EDSS = Expanded Disability Status Scale; GA = glatiramer acetate; IFN[beta]-1b = interferon beta 1b; FLAIR = fluid-attenuated inversion recovery; MS = multiple sclerosis; MSFC = Multiple Sclerosis Functional Composite; NEL = newly enhancing lesions; NL = new lesions; RRMS = relapsing-remitting MS; SNRS = Scripps Neurological Rating Scale.(C)2009AAN Enterprises, Inc.
Mlynash, M MD, MS; Olivot, J H. MD, PhD; Tong, D C. MD, FAHA; Lansberg, M G. et al
Yield of combined perfusion and diffusion MR imaging in hemispheric TIA
Publish Ahead of Print, POST AUTHOR CORRECTIONS, 17 December 2008
Objective: Transient ischemic attacks (TIA) predict future stroke. However, there are no sensitive and specific diagnostic criteria for TIA and interobserver agreement regarding the diagnosis is poor. Diffusion-weighted MRI (DWI) demonstrates acute ischemic lesions in approximately 30% of TIA patients; the yield of perfusion-weighted MRI (PWI) is unclear.Methods: We prospectively performed both DWI and PWI within 48 hours of symptom onset in consecutive patients admitted with suspected hemispheric TIAs of <24 hours symptom duration. Two independent raters, blinded to clinical features, assessed the presence and location of acute DWI and PWI lesions. Lesions were correlated with suspected clinical localization and baseline characteristics. Clinical features predictive of a PWI lesion were assessed.Results: Forty-three patients met the inclusion criteria. Thirty-three percent had a PWI lesion and 35% had a DWI lesion. Seven patients (16%) had both PWI and DWI lesions and 7 (16%) had only PWI lesions. The combined yield for identification of either a PWI or a DWI was 51%. DWI lesions occurred in the clinically suspected hemisphere in 93% of patients; PWI lesions in 86%. PWI lesions occurred more frequently when the MRI was performed within 12 hours of symptom resolution, in patients with symptoms of speech impairment, and among individuals younger than 60 years.Conclusions: The combination of early diffusion-weighted MRI and perfusion-weighted MRI can document the presence of a cerebral ischemic lesion in approximately half of all patients who present with a suspected hemispheric transient ischemic attack (TIA). MRI has the potential to improve the accuracy of TIA diagnosis.GLOSSARY: ACA = anterior cerebral artery; CI = confidence interval; DWI = diffusion-weighted MRI; ICA = internal carotid artery; MCA = middle cerebral artery; MRA = magnetic resonance angiography; MTT = mean transit time; OR = odds ratios; PCA = posterior cerebral artery; PWI = perfusion-weighted MRI; RR = risk ratios; TIA = transient ischemic attacks; TOAST = Trial of Org 10172 in Acute Stroke Treatment.(C)2009AAN Enterprises, Inc.
Articles from Circulation
Link to full text of journal
Xie, Feng MD; Lof, John MS; Matsunaga, Terry PhD; Zutshi, Reena PhD; Porter, Thomas R.
Diagnostic Ultrasound Combined With Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa-Targeted Microbubbles Improves Microvascular Recovery After Acute Coronary Thrombotic Occlusions
published online before print, 2 March 2009
Background-: The high mechanical index (MI) impulses from a diagnostic ultrasound transducer may be a method of recanalizing acutely thrombosed vessels if the impulses are applied only when microbubbles are channeling through the thrombus.Methods and Results-: In 45 pigs with acute left anterior descending thrombotic occlusions, a low-MI pulse sequence scheme (contrast pulse sequencing) was used to image the myocardium and guide the delivery of high-MI (1.9 MI) impulses during infusion of either intravenous platelet-targeted microbubbles or nontargeted microbubbles. A third group received no diagnostic ultrasound and microbubbles. All groups received half-dose recombinant prourokinase, heparin, and aspirin. Contrast pulse sequencing examined replenishment of contrast within the central portion of the risk area and guided the application of high-MI impulses. Angiographic recanalization rates, resolution of ST-segment elevation on ECG, and wall thickening were analyzed. Pigs receiving platelet-targeted microbubbles had more rapid replenishment of the central portion of the risk area (80% versus 40% for nontargeted microbubbles; P=0.03) and higher epicardial recanalization rates (53% versus 7% for prourokinase alone; P=0.01). Replenishment of contrast within the risk area (whether with platelet-targeted microbubbles or nontargeted microbubbles) was associated with both higher recanalization rates and even higher rates of ST-segment resolution (82% versus 21% for prourokinase alone; P=0.006). ST-segment resolution occurred in 6 pigs (40%) treated with microbubbles who did not have epicardial recanalization, of which 5 had recovery of wall thickening.Conclusions-: Intravenous platelet-targeted microbubbles combined with brief high-MI diagnostic ultrasound impulses guided by contrast pulse sequencing improve both epicardial recanalization rates and microvascular recovery.
Xie, Feng MD; Lof, John MS; Matsunaga, Terry PhD; Zutshi, Reena PhD; Porter, Thomas R.
Diagnostic Ultrasound Combined With Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa-Targeted Microbubbles Improves Microvascular Recovery After Acute Coronary Thrombotic Occlusions
published online before print, 2 March 2009
Background-: The high mechanical index (MI) impulses from a diagnostic ultrasound transducer may be a method of recanalizing acutely thrombosed vessels if the impulses are applied only when microbubbles are channeling through the thrombus.Methods and Results-: In 45 pigs with acute left anterior descending thrombotic occlusions, a low-MI pulse sequence scheme (contrast pulse sequencing) was used to image the myocardium and guide the delivery of high-MI (1.9 MI) impulses during infusion of either intravenous platelet-targeted microbubbles or nontargeted microbubbles. A third group received no diagnostic ultrasound and microbubbles. All groups received half-dose recombinant prourokinase, heparin, and aspirin. Contrast pulse sequencing examined replenishment of contrast within the central portion of the risk area and guided the application of high-MI impulses. Angiographic recanalization rates, resolution of ST-segment elevation on ECG, and wall thickening were analyzed. Pigs receiving platelet-targeted microbubbles had more rapid replenishment of the central portion of the risk area (80% versus 40% for nontargeted microbubbles; P=0.03) and higher epicardial recanalization rates (53% versus 7% for prourokinase alone; P=0.01). Replenishment of contrast within the risk area (whether with platelet-targeted microbubbles or nontargeted microbubbles) was associated with both higher recanalization rates and even higher rates of ST-segment resolution (82% versus 21% for prourokinase alone; P=0.006). ST-segment resolution occurred in 6 pigs (40%) treated with microbubbles who did not have epicardial recanalization, of which 5 had recovery of wall thickening.Conclusions-: Intravenous platelet-targeted microbubbles combined with brief high-MI diagnostic ultrasound impulses guided by contrast pulse sequencing improve both epicardial recanalization rates and microvascular recovery.
British Journal of Radiology Vol 82 No 975 2009
pp. 177-179
The British Journal of Radiology, New Series, from January 1928.
Thomas, A.
pp. 180-182
BJR review of the year - 2008.
Hon. Editors; Deputy Editors
pp. 183-189
Proton and particle radiotherapy - a report on the Franco-British seminar on the future of cancer treatment and imaging using new physics-based technologies.
Burnet, N.G.; Kacperek, A.; Goodman, S.E.; Green, S.
pp. 190-197
Justifying multidetector CT in abdominal sepsis: time for review?.
Meeson, S.; Alvey, C.M.; Golding, S.J.
pp. 198-203
Relationship between the extent of deep venous thrombosis and the extent of acute pulmonary embolism as assessed by CT angiography.
Ghaye, B.; Willems, V.; Nchimi, A.; Kouokam, L.; Noukoua, C.; De Maertelaer, V.; Gevenois, P.A.; Dondelinger, R.F.
pp. 204-211
Enhancement and safety of iomeprol-400 and iodixanol-320 in patients undergoing abdominal multidetector CT.
Romano, L.; Grazioli, L.; Bonomo, L.; Xu, J.-R.; Chen, K.-M.; Dore, R.; Vanzulli, A.; Catalano, C.
pp. 212-218
Comparison of pulmonary CT findings and serum KL-6 levels in patients with cryptogenic organizing pneumonia.
Okada, F.; Ando, Y.; Honda, K.; Tanoue, S.; Matsumoto, S.; Mori, H.
pp. 219-227
Evaluation of patient dose for barium enemas and CT colonography in Japan.
Hirofuji, Y.; Aoyama, T.; Koyama, S.; Kawaura, C.; Fujii, K.
pp. 228-234
Towards an acute and robust method based on fuzzy logic principles for the reconstruction and quantification of large volumes from MR and CT images.
Caudrelier, J.M.; Vermandel, M.; Betrouni, N.; Nyiri, B.; Cameron, I.; Rousseau, J.
pp. 235-242
Reduction of motion artefacts in non-gated dual-energy radiography.
Kyriakou, Y.; Ertel, D.; Lapp, R.M.; Kalender, W.A.
pp. 243-248
Effect of bladder distention on bladder base dose in gynaecological intracavitary high dose rate brachytherapy.
Adli, M.; Garipagaoglu, M.; Kocak, Z.
pp. 249-253
Cerebral microembolisation during radiofrequency ablation of lung tumours: detection by carotid duplex ultrasound.
Tanigawa, N.; Kariya, S.; Kojima, H.; Komemushi, A.; Shomura, Y.; Ikeda, K.; Omura, N.; Tokuda, T.; Maehara, M.; Terada, J.
pp. 254-261
Congenital coronary artery anomalies in adults: non-invasive assessment with multidetector CT.
Zeina, A.R.; Blinder, J.; Sharif, D.; Rosenschein, U.; Barmeir, E.
pp. 262-263
The case of the vanishing splenial lesion.
Hedge, A.; Kei, P.L.; Ahuja, M.S.
The British Journal of Radiology, New Series, from January 1928.
Thomas, A.
pp. 180-182
BJR review of the year - 2008.
Hon. Editors; Deputy Editors
pp. 183-189
Proton and particle radiotherapy - a report on the Franco-British seminar on the future of cancer treatment and imaging using new physics-based technologies.
Burnet, N.G.; Kacperek, A.; Goodman, S.E.; Green, S.
pp. 190-197
Justifying multidetector CT in abdominal sepsis: time for review?.
Meeson, S.; Alvey, C.M.; Golding, S.J.
pp. 198-203
Relationship between the extent of deep venous thrombosis and the extent of acute pulmonary embolism as assessed by CT angiography.
Ghaye, B.; Willems, V.; Nchimi, A.; Kouokam, L.; Noukoua, C.; De Maertelaer, V.; Gevenois, P.A.; Dondelinger, R.F.
pp. 204-211
Enhancement and safety of iomeprol-400 and iodixanol-320 in patients undergoing abdominal multidetector CT.
Romano, L.; Grazioli, L.; Bonomo, L.; Xu, J.-R.; Chen, K.-M.; Dore, R.; Vanzulli, A.; Catalano, C.
pp. 212-218
Comparison of pulmonary CT findings and serum KL-6 levels in patients with cryptogenic organizing pneumonia.
Okada, F.; Ando, Y.; Honda, K.; Tanoue, S.; Matsumoto, S.; Mori, H.
pp. 219-227
Evaluation of patient dose for barium enemas and CT colonography in Japan.
Hirofuji, Y.; Aoyama, T.; Koyama, S.; Kawaura, C.; Fujii, K.
pp. 228-234
Towards an acute and robust method based on fuzzy logic principles for the reconstruction and quantification of large volumes from MR and CT images.
Caudrelier, J.M.; Vermandel, M.; Betrouni, N.; Nyiri, B.; Cameron, I.; Rousseau, J.
pp. 235-242
Reduction of motion artefacts in non-gated dual-energy radiography.
Kyriakou, Y.; Ertel, D.; Lapp, R.M.; Kalender, W.A.
pp. 243-248
Effect of bladder distention on bladder base dose in gynaecological intracavitary high dose rate brachytherapy.
Adli, M.; Garipagaoglu, M.; Kocak, Z.
pp. 249-253
Cerebral microembolisation during radiofrequency ablation of lung tumours: detection by carotid duplex ultrasound.
Tanigawa, N.; Kariya, S.; Kojima, H.; Komemushi, A.; Shomura, Y.; Ikeda, K.; Omura, N.; Tokuda, T.; Maehara, M.; Terada, J.
pp. 254-261
Congenital coronary artery anomalies in adults: non-invasive assessment with multidetector CT.
Zeina, A.R.; Blinder, J.; Sharif, D.; Rosenschein, U.; Barmeir, E.
pp. 262-263
The case of the vanishing splenial lesion.
Hedge, A.; Kei, P.L.; Ahuja, M.S.
Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynaecology Vol 33 Iss 3 2009
Early View (Articles Available Online in Advance of Print)
Sonographic evaluation in the second stage of labor to improve the assessment of labor progress and its outcome
Lami Yeo, Roberto Romero
AbstractPublished Online: 26 Feb 2009
Original Papers
Fetal nasal bone in screening for trisomies 21, 18 and 13 and Turner syndrome at 11-13 weeks of gestation
K. O. Kagan, S. Cicero, I. Staboulidou, D. Wright, K. H. Nicolaides
AbstractPublished Online: 26 Feb 2009
Fetal cardiac output and its distribution to the placenta at 11-20 weeks of gestation
T. Vimpeli, H. Huhtala, T. Wilsgaard, G. Acharya
AbstractPublished Online: 30 Oct 2008
Fetal cardiac function assessed with four-dimensional ultrasound imaging using spatiotemporal image correlation
L. B. Uittenbogaard, M. C. Haak, M. D. Spreeuwenberg, J. M. G. van Vugt
AbstractPublished Online: 11 Feb 2009
Pregnancy outcome after ultrasound diagnosis of fetal intra-abdominal umbilical vein varix
B. D. Byers, N. Goharkhay, J. Mateus, K. K. Ward, M. B. Munn, T. S. Wen
AbstractPublished Online: 29 Dec 2008
Comparison of inter- and intraobserver agreement between three types of fetal volume measurement technique (XI VOCALTM, VOCALTM and multiplanar)
K. B. Cheong, K. Y. Leung, H. Y. Chan, Y. P. Lee, F. Yang, M. H. Y. Tang
AbstractPublished Online: 26 Feb 2009
Sonographic fetal weight estimation in prolonged pregnancy: comparative study of two- and three-dimensional methods
G. Lindell, K. Marál
AbstractPublished Online: 29 Jan 2009
Lower uterine segment thickness measurement in pregnant women with previous Cesarean section: reliability analysis using two- and three-dimensional transabdominal and transvaginal ultrasound
W. P. Martins, D. A. Barra, F. M. P. Gallarreta, C. O. Nastri, F. M. Filho
AbstractPublished Online: 15 Jan 2009
Changes in myometrial perfusion during normal labor as visualized by three-dimensional power Doppler angiography
N. W. Jones, N. J. Raine-Fenning, K. Jayaprakasan, H. A. Mousa, M. J. Taggart, G. J. Bugg
AbstractPublished Online: 9 Feb 2009
A new method to assess fetal head descent in labor with transperineal ultrasound
A. F. Barbera, X. Pombar, G. Perugino, D. C. Lezotte, J. C. Hobbins
AbstractPublished Online: 26 Feb 2009
Anatomic relationship between the pubic symphysis and ischial spines and its clinical significance in the assessment of fetal head engagement and station during labor
A. F. Barbera, F. Imani, T. Becker, D. C. Lezotte, J. C. Hobbins
AbstractPublished Online: 26 Feb 2009
Transperineal ultrasound imaging in prolonged second stage of labor with occipitoanterior presenting fetuses: how well does the angle of progression predict the mode of delivery?
K. D. Kalache, A. M. Dückelmann, S. A. M. Michaelis, J. Lange, G. Cichon, J. W. Dudenhausen
AbstractPublished Online: 17 Feb 2009
Diagnosis of station and rotation of the fetal head in the second stage of labor with intrapartum translabial ultrasound
T. Ghi, A. Farina, A. Pedrazzi, N. Rizzo, G. Pelusi, G. Pilu
AbstractPublished Online: 9 Feb 2009
Three-dimensional endoanal ultrasonography: intraobserver and interobserver agreement using scoring systems for classification of anal sphincter defects
S. Norderval, T. Dehli, B. Vonen
AbstractPublished Online: 17 Feb 2009
Value of endometrial thickness measurement for diagnosing focal intrauterine pathology in women without abnormal uterine bleeding
E. Dreisler, S. Stampe Sorensen, P. H. Ibsen, G. Lose
AbstractPublished Online: 26 Feb 2009
Evaluation of two different methods for vascular sampling by three-dimensional power Doppler angiography in solid and cystic-solid adnexal masses
J. L. Alcázar, M. Prka
AbstractPublished Online: 6 Feb 2009
Ultrasound increases DNA damage attributable to cisplatin in cisplatin-resistant human ovarian cancer cells
T. Yu, Y. Yang, S. Liu, H. Yu
AbstractPublished Online: 9 Feb 2009
Case Report
Prenatal diagnosis of isolated macrodactyly
A. Yüksel, H. Yamur, B. S. Kural
AbstractPublished Online: 26 Feb 2009
Letters to the Editor
Prenatal ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging features in a fetus with Walker-Warburg syndrome
F. Strigini, A. Valleriani, M. Cecchi, P. Ghirri, C. Aiello, E. Bertini, G. Cioni, R. Battini
AbstractPublished Online: 16 Feb 2009
High-definition flow combined with spatiotemporal image correlation in the diagnosis of fetal coarctation of the aorta
E. Quarello, A. Trabbia
AbstractPublished Online: 4 Feb 2009
Spectral Doppler imaging of the renal vessels facilitates the assessment of fetal arrhythmias
C. Berg, A. Geipel, U. Gembruch
AbstractPublished Online: 26 Feb 2009
Re: Prevalence of endometrial polyps and abnormal uterine bleeding in a Danish population aged 20-74 years
L. Valentin
AbstractPublished Online: 26 Feb 2009
E. Dreisler, S. Stampe Sørensen, P. H. Ibsen, G. Lose
AbstractPublished Online: 26 Feb 2009
D. Paladini, M. Vassallo, G. Sglavo, G. Pastore, C. Lapadula, C. Nappi. Normal and abnormal development of the fetal anterior fontanelle: a three-dimensional ultrasound study. Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2008; 32: 755-761
AbstractPublished Online: 26 Feb 2009
Picture of the Month
Hyperreactio luteinalis in a spontaneously conceived singleton pregnancy
C. Van Holsbeke, F. Amant, J. Veldman, A. De Boodt, Ph. Moerman, D. Timmerman
AbstractPublished Online: 26 Feb 2009
Sonographic evaluation in the second stage of labor to improve the assessment of labor progress and its outcome
Lami Yeo, Roberto Romero
AbstractPublished Online: 26 Feb 2009
Original Papers
Fetal nasal bone in screening for trisomies 21, 18 and 13 and Turner syndrome at 11-13 weeks of gestation
K. O. Kagan, S. Cicero, I. Staboulidou, D. Wright, K. H. Nicolaides
AbstractPublished Online: 26 Feb 2009
Fetal cardiac output and its distribution to the placenta at 11-20 weeks of gestation
T. Vimpeli, H. Huhtala, T. Wilsgaard, G. Acharya
AbstractPublished Online: 30 Oct 2008
Fetal cardiac function assessed with four-dimensional ultrasound imaging using spatiotemporal image correlation
L. B. Uittenbogaard, M. C. Haak, M. D. Spreeuwenberg, J. M. G. van Vugt
AbstractPublished Online: 11 Feb 2009
Pregnancy outcome after ultrasound diagnosis of fetal intra-abdominal umbilical vein varix
B. D. Byers, N. Goharkhay, J. Mateus, K. K. Ward, M. B. Munn, T. S. Wen
AbstractPublished Online: 29 Dec 2008
Comparison of inter- and intraobserver agreement between three types of fetal volume measurement technique (XI VOCALTM, VOCALTM and multiplanar)
K. B. Cheong, K. Y. Leung, H. Y. Chan, Y. P. Lee, F. Yang, M. H. Y. Tang
AbstractPublished Online: 26 Feb 2009
Sonographic fetal weight estimation in prolonged pregnancy: comparative study of two- and three-dimensional methods
G. Lindell, K. Marál
AbstractPublished Online: 29 Jan 2009
Lower uterine segment thickness measurement in pregnant women with previous Cesarean section: reliability analysis using two- and three-dimensional transabdominal and transvaginal ultrasound
W. P. Martins, D. A. Barra, F. M. P. Gallarreta, C. O. Nastri, F. M. Filho
AbstractPublished Online: 15 Jan 2009
Changes in myometrial perfusion during normal labor as visualized by three-dimensional power Doppler angiography
N. W. Jones, N. J. Raine-Fenning, K. Jayaprakasan, H. A. Mousa, M. J. Taggart, G. J. Bugg
AbstractPublished Online: 9 Feb 2009
A new method to assess fetal head descent in labor with transperineal ultrasound
A. F. Barbera, X. Pombar, G. Perugino, D. C. Lezotte, J. C. Hobbins
AbstractPublished Online: 26 Feb 2009
Anatomic relationship between the pubic symphysis and ischial spines and its clinical significance in the assessment of fetal head engagement and station during labor
A. F. Barbera, F. Imani, T. Becker, D. C. Lezotte, J. C. Hobbins
AbstractPublished Online: 26 Feb 2009
Transperineal ultrasound imaging in prolonged second stage of labor with occipitoanterior presenting fetuses: how well does the angle of progression predict the mode of delivery?
K. D. Kalache, A. M. Dückelmann, S. A. M. Michaelis, J. Lange, G. Cichon, J. W. Dudenhausen
AbstractPublished Online: 17 Feb 2009
Diagnosis of station and rotation of the fetal head in the second stage of labor with intrapartum translabial ultrasound
T. Ghi, A. Farina, A. Pedrazzi, N. Rizzo, G. Pelusi, G. Pilu
AbstractPublished Online: 9 Feb 2009
Three-dimensional endoanal ultrasonography: intraobserver and interobserver agreement using scoring systems for classification of anal sphincter defects
S. Norderval, T. Dehli, B. Vonen
AbstractPublished Online: 17 Feb 2009
Value of endometrial thickness measurement for diagnosing focal intrauterine pathology in women without abnormal uterine bleeding
E. Dreisler, S. Stampe Sorensen, P. H. Ibsen, G. Lose
AbstractPublished Online: 26 Feb 2009
Evaluation of two different methods for vascular sampling by three-dimensional power Doppler angiography in solid and cystic-solid adnexal masses
J. L. Alcázar, M. Prka
AbstractPublished Online: 6 Feb 2009
Ultrasound increases DNA damage attributable to cisplatin in cisplatin-resistant human ovarian cancer cells
T. Yu, Y. Yang, S. Liu, H. Yu
AbstractPublished Online: 9 Feb 2009
Case Report
Prenatal diagnosis of isolated macrodactyly
A. Yüksel, H. Yamur, B. S. Kural
AbstractPublished Online: 26 Feb 2009
Letters to the Editor
Prenatal ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging features in a fetus with Walker-Warburg syndrome
F. Strigini, A. Valleriani, M. Cecchi, P. Ghirri, C. Aiello, E. Bertini, G. Cioni, R. Battini
AbstractPublished Online: 16 Feb 2009
High-definition flow combined with spatiotemporal image correlation in the diagnosis of fetal coarctation of the aorta
E. Quarello, A. Trabbia
AbstractPublished Online: 4 Feb 2009
Spectral Doppler imaging of the renal vessels facilitates the assessment of fetal arrhythmias
C. Berg, A. Geipel, U. Gembruch
AbstractPublished Online: 26 Feb 2009
Re: Prevalence of endometrial polyps and abnormal uterine bleeding in a Danish population aged 20-74 years
L. Valentin
AbstractPublished Online: 26 Feb 2009
E. Dreisler, S. Stampe Sørensen, P. H. Ibsen, G. Lose
AbstractPublished Online: 26 Feb 2009
D. Paladini, M. Vassallo, G. Sglavo, G. Pastore, C. Lapadula, C. Nappi. Normal and abnormal development of the fetal anterior fontanelle: a three-dimensional ultrasound study. Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2008; 32: 755-761
AbstractPublished Online: 26 Feb 2009
Picture of the Month
Hyperreactio luteinalis in a spontaneously conceived singleton pregnancy
C. Van Holsbeke, F. Amant, J. Veldman, A. De Boodt, Ph. Moerman, D. Timmerman
AbstractPublished Online: 26 Feb 2009
Radiologic Clinics of North America Vol 47 No 2 2009
This issue now available in the Library
Forthcoming Issues
page viii
Philippe A. Grenier
page xi
MDCT of the Airways: Technique and Normal Results
Catherine Beigelman-Aubry, Pierre-Yves Brillet, Philippe A. Grenier
pages 185-201
Congenital Abnormalities of Intrathoracic Airways
Amandine Desir, Benoît Ghaye
pages 203-225
Imaging of Tumors of the Trachea and Central Bronchi
G.R. Ferretti, C. Bithigoffer, C.A. Righini, F. Arbib, S. Lantuejoul, A. Jankowski
pages 227-241
Nonneoplastic Tracheal and Bronchial Stenoses
Philippe A. Grenier, Catherine Beigelman-Aubry, Pierre-Yves Brillet
pages 243-260
Multidetector CT Evaluation of Tracheobronchomalacia
Edward Y. Lee, Diana Litmanovich, Phillip M. Boiselle
pages 261-269
Imaging–Bronchoscopic Correlations for Interventional Pulmonology
Tshering Amdo, Myrna C.B. Godoy, David Ost, David P. Naidich
pages 271-287
Cylen Javidan-Nejad, Sanjeev Bhalla
pages 289-306
Imaging of Small Airway Disease (SAD)
Sudhakar N.J. Pipavath, Eric J. Stern
pages 307-316
Asthma: An Imaging Update
Alyn Q. Woods, David A. Lynch
pages 317-329
Imaging of Airways: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Julia Ley-Zaporozhan, Hans-Ulrich Kauczor
pages 331-342
pages 343-347
Forthcoming Issues
page viii
Philippe A. Grenier
page xi
MDCT of the Airways: Technique and Normal Results
Catherine Beigelman-Aubry, Pierre-Yves Brillet, Philippe A. Grenier
pages 185-201
Congenital Abnormalities of Intrathoracic Airways
Amandine Desir, Benoît Ghaye
pages 203-225
Imaging of Tumors of the Trachea and Central Bronchi
G.R. Ferretti, C. Bithigoffer, C.A. Righini, F. Arbib, S. Lantuejoul, A. Jankowski
pages 227-241
Nonneoplastic Tracheal and Bronchial Stenoses
Philippe A. Grenier, Catherine Beigelman-Aubry, Pierre-Yves Brillet
pages 243-260
Multidetector CT Evaluation of Tracheobronchomalacia
Edward Y. Lee, Diana Litmanovich, Phillip M. Boiselle
pages 261-269
Imaging–Bronchoscopic Correlations for Interventional Pulmonology
Tshering Amdo, Myrna C.B. Godoy, David Ost, David P. Naidich
pages 271-287
Cylen Javidan-Nejad, Sanjeev Bhalla
pages 289-306
Imaging of Small Airway Disease (SAD)
Sudhakar N.J. Pipavath, Eric J. Stern
pages 307-316
Asthma: An Imaging Update
Alyn Q. Woods, David A. Lynch
pages 317-329
Imaging of Airways: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Julia Ley-Zaporozhan, Hans-Ulrich Kauczor
pages 331-342
pages 343-347
Friday, 6 March 2009
Radiology Management Vol 31 No 1 2009
pp. 14-19
Labor Transformations and the Challenges of a Multigenerational Workforce.
Collins, S.K.; Vaughn, D.A.
pp. 24-32
Recent Developments and Key Legal Issues Impacting Diagnostic Imaging Services, Part 1.
Dresevic, A.; Kalmowitz, C.F.
pp. 35-41
Reducing Work Related Injuries through Participatory Work Safety Programs.
Murphey, S.L.
pp. 42-47
Disputes in the Interventional Radiology Suite.
Brase, J.L.
pp. 7-8
A Bozo the Clown Bop Bag Mentality.
Lipcamon, J.D.
pp. 9-10
Turf Wars: Nurses and Technologists Coming Together.
Galante, A.
pp. 11-20
No Real Coding Changes, BUT There Are Other Concerns.
Mulaik, M.W.
pp. 21-32
Managing an Imaging Center in Challenging Times.
Kroken, P.
pp. 33-47
The Fallacy of One.
Boyd, G.
pp. 48-49
Capital Budgeting: The Characteristics of Imaging Projects, Part 2.
Yoder, E.
Labor Transformations and the Challenges of a Multigenerational Workforce.
Collins, S.K.; Vaughn, D.A.
pp. 24-32
Recent Developments and Key Legal Issues Impacting Diagnostic Imaging Services, Part 1.
Dresevic, A.; Kalmowitz, C.F.
pp. 35-41
Reducing Work Related Injuries through Participatory Work Safety Programs.
Murphey, S.L.
pp. 42-47
Disputes in the Interventional Radiology Suite.
Brase, J.L.
pp. 7-8
A Bozo the Clown Bop Bag Mentality.
Lipcamon, J.D.
pp. 9-10
Turf Wars: Nurses and Technologists Coming Together.
Galante, A.
pp. 11-20
No Real Coding Changes, BUT There Are Other Concerns.
Mulaik, M.W.
pp. 21-32
Managing an Imaging Center in Challenging Times.
Kroken, P.
pp. 33-47
The Fallacy of One.
Boyd, G.
pp. 48-49
Capital Budgeting: The Characteristics of Imaging Projects, Part 2.
Yoder, E.
Link to journal online
Marciniak, Bruno ; Fayoux, Pierre ; Hebrard, Anne ; Krivosic-Horber, Renee ; Engelhardt, Thomas et al
Airway Management in Children: Ultrasonography Assessment of Tracheal Intubation in Real Time
Anesthesia & Analgesia. 108(2):461-465, February 2009.
BACKGROUND: Pediatric tracheal intubation requires considerable expertise and can represent a challenge to many anesthesiologists. Confirmation of correct tracheal tube position relies on direct visualization or indirect measures, such as auscultation and capnography. These methods have varying sensitivity and specificity, especially in the infant and young child. Ultrasonography is noninvasive and is becoming more readily available to the anesthesiologist. In this study, we investigated the characteristic real-time ultrasonographic findings of the normal pediatric airway during tracheal intubation and its suitability for clinical use.METHODS: Thirty healthy children with normal airways requiring tracheal intubation were studied. Ultrasonographic measurements of the pediatric airway during tracheal intubation under deep inhaled anesthesia were performed using a Sonosite Titan(R) (Sonosite, Bothell, WA) scanner while recording characteristic images during this process. Correct tracheal tube placement was further confirmed using auscultation and satisfactory end-tidal capnography.RESULTS: The mean (+/- sd) age of studied patients was 48 +/- 37 mo, weight was 19.7. +/- 8.6 kg and the sex ratio (m/f) was 1:2. Successful tracheal intubation was verified using the following criteria: 1) identification of the trachea and tracheal rings, 2) visualization of vocal cords, 3) widening of glottis as the tracheal tube passes through, and 4) tracheal tube position above carina and demonstration of movement of the chest wall visceroparietal pleural interface (i.e., sliding sign) after manual ventilation of the lungs. One esophageal intubation was readily recognized by visualization of the tube in the left paratracheal space.CONCLUSION: This study describes characteristic ultrasonographic findings of the pediatric airway during tracheal intubation. It suggests that ultrasonography may be useful for airway management in children
Marciniak, Bruno ; Fayoux, Pierre ; Hebrard, Anne ; Krivosic-Horber, Renee ; Engelhardt, Thomas et al
Airway Management in Children: Ultrasonography Assessment of Tracheal Intubation in Real Time
Anesthesia & Analgesia. 108(2):461-465, February 2009.
BACKGROUND: Pediatric tracheal intubation requires considerable expertise and can represent a challenge to many anesthesiologists. Confirmation of correct tracheal tube position relies on direct visualization or indirect measures, such as auscultation and capnography. These methods have varying sensitivity and specificity, especially in the infant and young child. Ultrasonography is noninvasive and is becoming more readily available to the anesthesiologist. In this study, we investigated the characteristic real-time ultrasonographic findings of the normal pediatric airway during tracheal intubation and its suitability for clinical use.METHODS: Thirty healthy children with normal airways requiring tracheal intubation were studied. Ultrasonographic measurements of the pediatric airway during tracheal intubation under deep inhaled anesthesia were performed using a Sonosite Titan(R) (Sonosite, Bothell, WA) scanner while recording characteristic images during this process. Correct tracheal tube placement was further confirmed using auscultation and satisfactory end-tidal capnography.RESULTS: The mean (+/- sd) age of studied patients was 48 +/- 37 mo, weight was 19.7. +/- 8.6 kg and the sex ratio (m/f) was 1:2. Successful tracheal intubation was verified using the following criteria: 1) identification of the trachea and tracheal rings, 2) visualization of vocal cords, 3) widening of glottis as the tracheal tube passes through, and 4) tracheal tube position above carina and demonstration of movement of the chest wall visceroparietal pleural interface (i.e., sliding sign) after manual ventilation of the lungs. One esophageal intubation was readily recognized by visualization of the tube in the left paratracheal space.CONCLUSION: This study describes characteristic ultrasonographic findings of the pediatric airway during tracheal intubation. It suggests that ultrasonography may be useful for airway management in children
Anesthesiology. 110(3) March 2009.
Link to journal online
Practice Advisory on Anesthetic Care for Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A Report by the American Society of Anesthesiologists Task Force on Anesthetic Care for Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Anesthesiology. 110(3):459-479, March 2009.
Practice Advisory on Anesthetic Care for Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A Report by the American Society of Anesthesiologists Task Force on Anesthetic Care for Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Anesthesiology. 110(3):459-479, March 2009.
Critical Care Medicine 37(3) March 2009
Link to journal online
Lynch, Robert E. MD, PhD, FCCM
Ultrasound is coming to a pediatric intensive care unit near you *.[Editorial]
Critical Care Medicine. 37(3):1170-1172, March 2009.
Swiat, Maciej ; Weigele, John ; Hurst, Robert W. ; Kasner, Scott E. ; Pawlak, Mikolaj ; Arkuszewski et al
Middle cerebral artery vasospasm: Transcranial color-coded duplex sonography versus conventional nonimaging transcranial Doppler sonography *.[Article]
Critical Care Medicine. 37(3):963-968, March 2009.
Objective: To prospectively compare accuracies of transcranial color-coded duplex sonography (TCCS) and transcranial Doppler sonography (TCD) in the diagnosis of middle cerebral artery (MCA) vasospasm.Design: Prospective blinded head-to-head comparison TCD and TCCS methods using digital subtraction angiography (DSA) as the reference standard.Setting: Department of Radiology in a tertiary university health center in a metropolitan area.Patients: Eighty-one consecutive patients (mean age, 53.9 +/- 13.9 years; 48 women). The indication for DSA was subarachnoid hemorrhage in 71 patients (87.6%), stroke or transient ischemic attack in five patients (6.2%), and other reasons in five patients (6.2%).Interventions: The MCA was graded as normal, narrowed <50%,>50% using DSA. The accuracy of ultrasound methods was estimated by total area (Az) under receiver operator characteristic curve. To compare sensitivities of ultrasound methods, McNemar's test was used with mean velocity thresholds of 120 cm/sec for the detection of less advanced, and 200 cm/sec for the more advanced MCA narrowing.Measurements and Main Results: Angiographic MCA narrowing <=50% was found in 21, and >50% in 10 of 135 arteries. Accuracy of TCCS was insignificantly higher than that of TCD in the detection of <=50% and >50% narrowing, total Az for mean velocity being 0.83 +/- 0.05, 0.77 +/- 0.05, and 0.95 +/- 0.02, 0.86 +/- 0.08, respectively. Sensitivity of TCCS at commonly used threshold of 120 cm/sec for less advanced MCA spasm was significantly better than that of TCD at similar specificity, 55% vs. 39%, p = 0.038, whereas at a threshold of 200 cm/sec used for more advanced spasm, sensitivities and specificities of both methods were not different.Conclusion: The accuracy of TCCS and TCD is similar, but TCCS is more sensitive than TCD in the detection of MCA spasm. Sensitivity of both techniques in the detection of mild and more advanced spasm using 120 cm/sec and 200 cm/sec thresholds, respectively, is poor; however, a larger sample is required to increase precision of our sensitivity estimates.(C) 2009 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.
Lynch, Robert E. MD, PhD, FCCM
Ultrasound is coming to a pediatric intensive care unit near you *.[Editorial]
Critical Care Medicine. 37(3):1170-1172, March 2009.
Swiat, Maciej ; Weigele, John ; Hurst, Robert W. ; Kasner, Scott E. ; Pawlak, Mikolaj ; Arkuszewski et al
Middle cerebral artery vasospasm: Transcranial color-coded duplex sonography versus conventional nonimaging transcranial Doppler sonography *.[Article]
Critical Care Medicine. 37(3):963-968, March 2009.
Objective: To prospectively compare accuracies of transcranial color-coded duplex sonography (TCCS) and transcranial Doppler sonography (TCD) in the diagnosis of middle cerebral artery (MCA) vasospasm.Design: Prospective blinded head-to-head comparison TCD and TCCS methods using digital subtraction angiography (DSA) as the reference standard.Setting: Department of Radiology in a tertiary university health center in a metropolitan area.Patients: Eighty-one consecutive patients (mean age, 53.9 +/- 13.9 years; 48 women). The indication for DSA was subarachnoid hemorrhage in 71 patients (87.6%), stroke or transient ischemic attack in five patients (6.2%), and other reasons in five patients (6.2%).Interventions: The MCA was graded as normal, narrowed <50%,>50% using DSA. The accuracy of ultrasound methods was estimated by total area (Az) under receiver operator characteristic curve. To compare sensitivities of ultrasound methods, McNemar's test was used with mean velocity thresholds of 120 cm/sec for the detection of less advanced, and 200 cm/sec for the more advanced MCA narrowing.Measurements and Main Results: Angiographic MCA narrowing <=50% was found in 21, and >50% in 10 of 135 arteries. Accuracy of TCCS was insignificantly higher than that of TCD in the detection of <=50% and >50% narrowing, total Az for mean velocity being 0.83 +/- 0.05, 0.77 +/- 0.05, and 0.95 +/- 0.02, 0.86 +/- 0.08, respectively. Sensitivity of TCCS at commonly used threshold of 120 cm/sec for less advanced MCA spasm was significantly better than that of TCD at similar specificity, 55% vs. 39%, p = 0.038, whereas at a threshold of 200 cm/sec used for more advanced spasm, sensitivities and specificities of both methods were not different.Conclusion: The accuracy of TCCS and TCD is similar, but TCCS is more sensitive than TCD in the detection of MCA spasm. Sensitivity of both techniques in the detection of mild and more advanced spasm using 120 cm/sec and 200 cm/sec thresholds, respectively, is poor; however, a larger sample is required to increase precision of our sensitivity estimates.(C) 2009 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.
AJR March 2009 Vol. 192 No. 3
Editor's Notebook
Communication: The Needs of the Patient Come First
Thomas H. Berquist
AJR 2009;192:557-559
Centennial Article
Commentary on "Computed Tomography in the Diagnosis of Adrenal Disease" and
"Nonfunctioning Adrenal Masses: Incidental Discovery on Computed Tomography"
Peter L. Choyke
AJR 2009;192:568-570
Medical–Legal Issues
Communicating Results of All Outpatient Radiologic Examinations Directly to
Patients: The Time Has Come
Leonard Berlin
AJR 2009;192:571-573
The Practice of Radiology
Biases in Radiologic Reasoning
Richard B. Gunderman
AJR 2009;192:561-564
The Four S's: A Response to Market Forces Influencing Imaging
Jonathan W. Berlin
AJR 2009;192:565-567
Cardiopulmonary Imaging
Coronary Plaque Quantification by Voxel Analysis: Dual-Source MDCT
Angiography Versus Intravascular Sonography
Harald Brodoefel, Christof Burgstahler, Adeel Sabir, Chun-Shan Yam et al
AJR 2009;192:84-89
CT Quantification of Emphysema in Young Subjects with No Recognizable Chest
Klaus Loureiro Irion, Edson Marchiori, Bruno Hochhegger, Nelson da
Silva Porto et al
AJR 2009;192:90-96
Delayed-Enhanced Cardiac MRI for Differentiation of Fabry's Disease from
Symmetric Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
Francesco De Cobelli, Antonio Esposito, Elena Belloni, Maurizio Pieroni et al
AJR 2009;192:97-102
Anatomy and Terminology for the Interpretation and Reporting of Cardiac
MDCT: Part 1, Structured Report, Coronary Calcium Screening, and Coronary
Artery Anatomy
Baskaran Sundaram, Smita Patel, Naama Bogot, and Ella A. Kazerooni
AJR 2009;192:574-583
Anatomy and Terminology for the Interpretation and Reporting of Cardiac
MDCT: Part 2, CT Angiography, Cardiac Function Assessment, and Noncoronary
and Extracardiac Findings
Baskaran Sundaram, Smita Patel, Prachi Agarwal, and Ella A. Kazerooni
AJR 2009;192:584-598
Chest Radiography in Thoracic Polytrauma
Mai-Lan Ho and Fernando R. Gutierrez
AJR 2009;192:599-612
Reproducibility of Coronary Artery Calcified Plaque with Cardiac 64-MDCT:
The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis
Matthew Jay Budoff, Robyn L. McClelland, Hyoju Chung, Nathan D. Wong, J. Jeffrey Carr et al
AJR 2009;192:613-617
Pleural Effusion: Characterization with CT Attenuation Values and CT
Yigal Abramowitz, Natalia Simanovsky, Michael S. Goldstein, and Nurith
AJR 2009;192:618-623
Automated Matching of Pulmonary Nodules: Evaluation in Serial Screening Chest CT
Cheng Tao, David S. Gierada, Fang Zhu, Thomas K. Pilgram, Jin Hong
Wang, and Kyongtae T. Bae
AJR 2009;192:624-628
Diagnostic Accuracy of CT Fluoroscopy-Guided Needle Aspiration Biopsy of
Ground-Glass Opacity Pulmonary Lesions
Jin Hur, Hye-Jeong Lee, Ji Eun Nam, Young Jin Kim, Tae Hoon Kim et al
AJR 2009;192:629-634
Evaluation of a Body Mass Index-Adapted Protocol for Low-Dose 64-MDCT
Coronary Angiography with Prospective ECG Triggering
Fuminari Tatsugami, Lars Husmann, Bernhard A. Herzog, Nina Burkhard et al
AJR 2009;192:635-638
Atrial Myxomas and Thrombi: Comparison of Imaging Features on CT
Hans Scheffel, Stephan Baumueller, Paul Stolzmann, Sebastian Leschka et al
AJR 2009;192:639-645
Radiation Dose in Cardiac CT
John R. Mayo and Jonathon A. Leipsic
AJR 2009;192:646-653
64-MDCT Pulmonary Angiography and CT Venography in the Diagnosis of
Thromboembolic Disease
Hasan Nazaroglu, Cihan Akgul Ozmen, Hatice Ozturkmen Akay, Ilhan
Kilinc, and Aslan Bilici
AJR 2009;192:654-661
Cardiovascular Applications of Phase-Contrast MRI
Monvadi B. Srichai, Ruth P. Lim, Samson Wong, and Vivian S. Lee
AJR 2009;192:662-675
Wegener's Granulomatosis in the Chest: High-Resolution CT Findings
Lakshmi Ananthakrishnan, Nidhi Sharma, and Jeffrey P. Kanne
AJR 2009;192:676-682
Gastrointestinal Imaging
CT Diagnosis of Mucocele of the Appendix in Patients with Acute
Genevieve L. Bennett, Teerath P. Tanpitukpongse, Michael Macari,
Kyunghee C. Cho, and James S. Babb
AJR 2009;192:103-110
Optimal Acquisition Delay for Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI of
Hypervascular Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Satoshi Goshima, Masayuki Kanematsu, Hiroshi Kondo, Yoshimune
Shiratori et al
AJR 2009;192:686-692
Small-Bowel Obstruction from Adhesive Bands and Matted Adhesions: CT
Eric Delabrousse, Jean Lubrano, Jerome Jehl, Pierre Morati, Claude Rouget et al
AJR 2009;192:693-697
Value of Liver Parenchymal Phase Contrast-Enhanced Sonography to Diagnose
Premalignant and Borderline Lesions and Overt Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Tatsuo Inoue, Masatoshi Kudo et al
AJR 2009;192:698-705
Genitourinary Imaging
Clinical and Imaging Features in 16 Infants Exposed to Food Contaminated
with Melamine and Cyanuric Acid
Fang-yuan Ren, Yue Wang, Xiao-bin Hou, Cheng-rong Zhang, and Ling Ma
AJR 2009;192:707-710
Background Fluctuation of Kidney Function Versus Contrast-Induced
Richard J. Bruce, Aji Djamali, Kazuhiko Shinki, Steven J. Michel,
Jason P. Fine, and Myron A. Pozniak
AJR 2009;192:711-718
Women's Imaging
Mucinous Carcinoma of the Breast: MRI Features of Pure and Mixed Forms with
Histopathologic Correlation
Shuichi Monzawa, Masaki Yokokawa, Toshiko Sakuma, Shintaro Takao et al
AJR 2009;192:125-131
Digital Mammography-Guided Skin Marking for Sonographically Guided Biopsy
of Suspicious Microcalcifications
Nariya Cho and Woo Kyung Moon
AJR 2009;192:132-136
MRI and PET/CT for Triaging Stage IB Clinically Operable Cervical Cancer to
Appropriate Therapy: Decision Analysis to Assess Patient Outcomes
Pari V. Pandharipande, Garry Choy, Marcela G. del Carmen et al
AJR 2009;192:802-814
The Many Faces of Fat Necrosis in the Breast
Jorge L. Taboada, Tanya W. Stephens, Savitri Krishnamurthy, Kathleen
R. Brandt, and Gary J. Whitman
AJR 2009;192:815-825
Lymphangioleiomyomatosis with Florid Endosalpingiosis
John Ping Kuen Hui, Allen Li, and Hiu Lui Li
AJR 2009;192:826-827
Musculoskeletal Imaging
Prepatellar Quadriceps Continuation: MRI of Cadavers with Gross Anatomic
and Histologic Correlation
Mani Wangwinyuvirat, Berna Dirim, Daniel Pastore, Michael
Pretterklieber, Andreas Frank, Parviz Haghighi, and Donald Resnick
AJR 2009;192:111-116
Quantitative Characterization of the Achilles Tendon in Cadaveric
Specimens: T1 and T2* Measurements Using Ultrashort-TE MRI at 3 T
Guinel H. Filho, Jiang Du, Byung C. Pak, Sheronda Statum, Richard Znamorowski et al
AJR 2009;192:117-124
Clinical Significance of Intramuscular Cysts in the Rotator Cuff and Their
Relationship to Full- and Partial-Thickness Rotator Cuff Tears
Ankur M. Manvar, Ajay Kamireddi, Sheetal M. Bhalani, and Nancy M.
AJR 2009;192:719-724
Incidental Findings in the Cervical Spine at CT for Trauma Evaluation
Richard Barboza, Jason H. Fox, Lynn E. T. Shaffer, Judy M. Opalek, and
Shella Farooki
AJR 2009;192:725-729
Imaging Signs of Posterior Glenohumeral Instability
Nehal Shah and Glenn A. Tung
AJR 2009;192:730-735
Imaging Chronic Sclerosing Osteitis of the Diaphysis of Tubular Bones
Colleen M. Costelloe, William A. Murphy, Jr., and John E. Madewell
AJR 2009;192:736-742
Pediatric Imaging
Three-Dimensional MRI Volumetric Measurements of the Normal Fetal Colon
Erika Rubesova, Chardonnay J. Vance, Hans G. Ringertz, and Richard A.
AJR 2009;192:761-765
Vascular and Interventional Radiology
Impact of a Unified CT Angiography System on Outcome of Patients with
Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Hidenori Toyoda, Takashi Kumada, and Yasuhiro Sone
AJR 2009;192:766-774
Pedal Angiography in Peripheral Arterial Occlusive Disease: First-Pass IV
Contrast-Enhanced MR Angiography with Blood Pool Contrast Medium Versus
Intraarterial Digital Subtraction Angiography
Sebastian Kos, Clemens Reisinger, Markus Aschwanden, Georg M. Bongartz et al
AJR 2009;192:775-784
Laser Ablation of Metastatic Lesions of the Lung: Long-Term Outcome
Christian Rosenberg, Ralf Puls, Katrin Hegenscheid, Jens Kuehn, Tom Bollman et al
AJR 2009;192:785-792
Occlusion Time for Amplatzer Vascular Plug in the Management of Pulmonary
Arteriovenous Malformations
Ahmed K. Abdel Aal, Maysoon F. Hamed, Roderick F. Biosca et al
AJR 2009;192:793-799
Medical Physics and Informatics
MDCT for Automated Detection and Measurement of Pneumothoraces in Trauma
Wenli Cai, Malek Tabbara, Noboru Takata, Hiroyuki Yoshida, Gordon J.
Harris, Robert A. Novelline, and Marc de Moya
AJR 2009;192:830-836
Body MDCT at 140 kV
Denis Tack and Pierre Alain Gevenois
AJR 2009;192:139-140
Tracy A. Jaffe
AJR 2009;192:141
Michael E. Arch and Donald P. Frush
AJR 2009;192:142
Tilo Niemann, Thilo Kollmann, and Georg Bongartz
AJR 2009;192:143-144
Conrad Wittram
AJR 2009;192:145
Ethical Issues Related to Lung Nodules on Cardiac CT
Matthew Jay Budoff
AJR 2009;192:146
Patrick M. Colletti
AJR 2009;192:147-148
Book Reviews
Lange Q & A: Radiography Examination, 7th ed.
Stanley R. Olejniczak
AJR 2009;192:137
Diagnostic and Surgical Imaging Anatomy: Ultrasound
Barbara McComb
AJR 2009;192:138
Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
CT and 18F-FDG PET for Noninvasive Detection of Splenic Involvement in
Patients with Malignant Lymphoma
Pim A. de Jong, Henriette M. Quarles van Ufford, Henk-Jan Baarslag et al
AJR 2009;192:745-753
Effect of Clinicopathologic Factors on Visibility of Colorectal Polyps with
Masatoyo Nakajo, Seishi Jinnouchi, Yukie Tashiro, Hiroshi Shirahama,
Eiichi Sato, Chihaya Koriyama, and Masayuki Nakajo
AJR 2009;192:754-760
Other Content
Correction for Volume 192, p. 66
Jeong Seon Park
AJR 2009;192:560
Correction for Volume 187, p. 638
Daisuke Utsunomiya
AJR 2009;192:560
Portrait of a Physician
Stefan C. Schatzki
AJR 2009;192:837
Joseph Davidson Calhoun
Ernest J. Ferris
AJR 2009;192:838
Jerome H. Shapiro
Otha W. Linton and John F. O'Connor
AJR 2009;192:839
Communication: The Needs of the Patient Come First
Thomas H. Berquist
AJR 2009;192:557-559
Centennial Article
Commentary on "Computed Tomography in the Diagnosis of Adrenal Disease" and
"Nonfunctioning Adrenal Masses: Incidental Discovery on Computed Tomography"
Peter L. Choyke
AJR 2009;192:568-570
Medical–Legal Issues
Communicating Results of All Outpatient Radiologic Examinations Directly to
Patients: The Time Has Come
Leonard Berlin
AJR 2009;192:571-573
The Practice of Radiology
Biases in Radiologic Reasoning
Richard B. Gunderman
AJR 2009;192:561-564
The Four S's: A Response to Market Forces Influencing Imaging
Jonathan W. Berlin
AJR 2009;192:565-567
Cardiopulmonary Imaging
Coronary Plaque Quantification by Voxel Analysis: Dual-Source MDCT
Angiography Versus Intravascular Sonography
Harald Brodoefel, Christof Burgstahler, Adeel Sabir, Chun-Shan Yam et al
AJR 2009;192:84-89
CT Quantification of Emphysema in Young Subjects with No Recognizable Chest
Klaus Loureiro Irion, Edson Marchiori, Bruno Hochhegger, Nelson da
Silva Porto et al
AJR 2009;192:90-96
Delayed-Enhanced Cardiac MRI for Differentiation of Fabry's Disease from
Symmetric Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
Francesco De Cobelli, Antonio Esposito, Elena Belloni, Maurizio Pieroni et al
AJR 2009;192:97-102
Anatomy and Terminology for the Interpretation and Reporting of Cardiac
MDCT: Part 1, Structured Report, Coronary Calcium Screening, and Coronary
Artery Anatomy
Baskaran Sundaram, Smita Patel, Naama Bogot, and Ella A. Kazerooni
AJR 2009;192:574-583
Anatomy and Terminology for the Interpretation and Reporting of Cardiac
MDCT: Part 2, CT Angiography, Cardiac Function Assessment, and Noncoronary
and Extracardiac Findings
Baskaran Sundaram, Smita Patel, Prachi Agarwal, and Ella A. Kazerooni
AJR 2009;192:584-598
Chest Radiography in Thoracic Polytrauma
Mai-Lan Ho and Fernando R. Gutierrez
AJR 2009;192:599-612
Reproducibility of Coronary Artery Calcified Plaque with Cardiac 64-MDCT:
The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis
Matthew Jay Budoff, Robyn L. McClelland, Hyoju Chung, Nathan D. Wong, J. Jeffrey Carr et al
AJR 2009;192:613-617
Pleural Effusion: Characterization with CT Attenuation Values and CT
Yigal Abramowitz, Natalia Simanovsky, Michael S. Goldstein, and Nurith
AJR 2009;192:618-623
Automated Matching of Pulmonary Nodules: Evaluation in Serial Screening Chest CT
Cheng Tao, David S. Gierada, Fang Zhu, Thomas K. Pilgram, Jin Hong
Wang, and Kyongtae T. Bae
AJR 2009;192:624-628
Diagnostic Accuracy of CT Fluoroscopy-Guided Needle Aspiration Biopsy of
Ground-Glass Opacity Pulmonary Lesions
Jin Hur, Hye-Jeong Lee, Ji Eun Nam, Young Jin Kim, Tae Hoon Kim et al
AJR 2009;192:629-634
Evaluation of a Body Mass Index-Adapted Protocol for Low-Dose 64-MDCT
Coronary Angiography with Prospective ECG Triggering
Fuminari Tatsugami, Lars Husmann, Bernhard A. Herzog, Nina Burkhard et al
AJR 2009;192:635-638
Atrial Myxomas and Thrombi: Comparison of Imaging Features on CT
Hans Scheffel, Stephan Baumueller, Paul Stolzmann, Sebastian Leschka et al
AJR 2009;192:639-645
Radiation Dose in Cardiac CT
John R. Mayo and Jonathon A. Leipsic
AJR 2009;192:646-653
64-MDCT Pulmonary Angiography and CT Venography in the Diagnosis of
Thromboembolic Disease
Hasan Nazaroglu, Cihan Akgul Ozmen, Hatice Ozturkmen Akay, Ilhan
Kilinc, and Aslan Bilici
AJR 2009;192:654-661
Cardiovascular Applications of Phase-Contrast MRI
Monvadi B. Srichai, Ruth P. Lim, Samson Wong, and Vivian S. Lee
AJR 2009;192:662-675
Wegener's Granulomatosis in the Chest: High-Resolution CT Findings
Lakshmi Ananthakrishnan, Nidhi Sharma, and Jeffrey P. Kanne
AJR 2009;192:676-682
Gastrointestinal Imaging
CT Diagnosis of Mucocele of the Appendix in Patients with Acute
Genevieve L. Bennett, Teerath P. Tanpitukpongse, Michael Macari,
Kyunghee C. Cho, and James S. Babb
AJR 2009;192:103-110
Optimal Acquisition Delay for Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI of
Hypervascular Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Satoshi Goshima, Masayuki Kanematsu, Hiroshi Kondo, Yoshimune
Shiratori et al
AJR 2009;192:686-692
Small-Bowel Obstruction from Adhesive Bands and Matted Adhesions: CT
Eric Delabrousse, Jean Lubrano, Jerome Jehl, Pierre Morati, Claude Rouget et al
AJR 2009;192:693-697
Value of Liver Parenchymal Phase Contrast-Enhanced Sonography to Diagnose
Premalignant and Borderline Lesions and Overt Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Tatsuo Inoue, Masatoshi Kudo et al
AJR 2009;192:698-705
Genitourinary Imaging
Clinical and Imaging Features in 16 Infants Exposed to Food Contaminated
with Melamine and Cyanuric Acid
Fang-yuan Ren, Yue Wang, Xiao-bin Hou, Cheng-rong Zhang, and Ling Ma
AJR 2009;192:707-710
Background Fluctuation of Kidney Function Versus Contrast-Induced
Richard J. Bruce, Aji Djamali, Kazuhiko Shinki, Steven J. Michel,
Jason P. Fine, and Myron A. Pozniak
AJR 2009;192:711-718
Women's Imaging
Mucinous Carcinoma of the Breast: MRI Features of Pure and Mixed Forms with
Histopathologic Correlation
Shuichi Monzawa, Masaki Yokokawa, Toshiko Sakuma, Shintaro Takao et al
AJR 2009;192:125-131
Digital Mammography-Guided Skin Marking for Sonographically Guided Biopsy
of Suspicious Microcalcifications
Nariya Cho and Woo Kyung Moon
AJR 2009;192:132-136
MRI and PET/CT for Triaging Stage IB Clinically Operable Cervical Cancer to
Appropriate Therapy: Decision Analysis to Assess Patient Outcomes
Pari V. Pandharipande, Garry Choy, Marcela G. del Carmen et al
AJR 2009;192:802-814
The Many Faces of Fat Necrosis in the Breast
Jorge L. Taboada, Tanya W. Stephens, Savitri Krishnamurthy, Kathleen
R. Brandt, and Gary J. Whitman
AJR 2009;192:815-825
Lymphangioleiomyomatosis with Florid Endosalpingiosis
John Ping Kuen Hui, Allen Li, and Hiu Lui Li
AJR 2009;192:826-827
Musculoskeletal Imaging
Prepatellar Quadriceps Continuation: MRI of Cadavers with Gross Anatomic
and Histologic Correlation
Mani Wangwinyuvirat, Berna Dirim, Daniel Pastore, Michael
Pretterklieber, Andreas Frank, Parviz Haghighi, and Donald Resnick
AJR 2009;192:111-116
Quantitative Characterization of the Achilles Tendon in Cadaveric
Specimens: T1 and T2* Measurements Using Ultrashort-TE MRI at 3 T
Guinel H. Filho, Jiang Du, Byung C. Pak, Sheronda Statum, Richard Znamorowski et al
AJR 2009;192:117-124
Clinical Significance of Intramuscular Cysts in the Rotator Cuff and Their
Relationship to Full- and Partial-Thickness Rotator Cuff Tears
Ankur M. Manvar, Ajay Kamireddi, Sheetal M. Bhalani, and Nancy M.
AJR 2009;192:719-724
Incidental Findings in the Cervical Spine at CT for Trauma Evaluation
Richard Barboza, Jason H. Fox, Lynn E. T. Shaffer, Judy M. Opalek, and
Shella Farooki
AJR 2009;192:725-729
Imaging Signs of Posterior Glenohumeral Instability
Nehal Shah and Glenn A. Tung
AJR 2009;192:730-735
Imaging Chronic Sclerosing Osteitis of the Diaphysis of Tubular Bones
Colleen M. Costelloe, William A. Murphy, Jr., and John E. Madewell
AJR 2009;192:736-742
Pediatric Imaging
Three-Dimensional MRI Volumetric Measurements of the Normal Fetal Colon
Erika Rubesova, Chardonnay J. Vance, Hans G. Ringertz, and Richard A.
AJR 2009;192:761-765
Vascular and Interventional Radiology
Impact of a Unified CT Angiography System on Outcome of Patients with
Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Hidenori Toyoda, Takashi Kumada, and Yasuhiro Sone
AJR 2009;192:766-774
Pedal Angiography in Peripheral Arterial Occlusive Disease: First-Pass IV
Contrast-Enhanced MR Angiography with Blood Pool Contrast Medium Versus
Intraarterial Digital Subtraction Angiography
Sebastian Kos, Clemens Reisinger, Markus Aschwanden, Georg M. Bongartz et al
AJR 2009;192:775-784
Laser Ablation of Metastatic Lesions of the Lung: Long-Term Outcome
Christian Rosenberg, Ralf Puls, Katrin Hegenscheid, Jens Kuehn, Tom Bollman et al
AJR 2009;192:785-792
Occlusion Time for Amplatzer Vascular Plug in the Management of Pulmonary
Arteriovenous Malformations
Ahmed K. Abdel Aal, Maysoon F. Hamed, Roderick F. Biosca et al
AJR 2009;192:793-799
Medical Physics and Informatics
MDCT for Automated Detection and Measurement of Pneumothoraces in Trauma
Wenli Cai, Malek Tabbara, Noboru Takata, Hiroyuki Yoshida, Gordon J.
Harris, Robert A. Novelline, and Marc de Moya
AJR 2009;192:830-836
Body MDCT at 140 kV
Denis Tack and Pierre Alain Gevenois
AJR 2009;192:139-140
Tracy A. Jaffe
AJR 2009;192:141
Michael E. Arch and Donald P. Frush
AJR 2009;192:142
Tilo Niemann, Thilo Kollmann, and Georg Bongartz
AJR 2009;192:143-144
Conrad Wittram
AJR 2009;192:145
Ethical Issues Related to Lung Nodules on Cardiac CT
Matthew Jay Budoff
AJR 2009;192:146
Patrick M. Colletti
AJR 2009;192:147-148
Book Reviews
Lange Q & A: Radiography Examination, 7th ed.
Stanley R. Olejniczak
AJR 2009;192:137
Diagnostic and Surgical Imaging Anatomy: Ultrasound
Barbara McComb
AJR 2009;192:138
Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
CT and 18F-FDG PET for Noninvasive Detection of Splenic Involvement in
Patients with Malignant Lymphoma
Pim A. de Jong, Henriette M. Quarles van Ufford, Henk-Jan Baarslag et al
AJR 2009;192:745-753
Effect of Clinicopathologic Factors on Visibility of Colorectal Polyps with
Masatoyo Nakajo, Seishi Jinnouchi, Yukie Tashiro, Hiroshi Shirahama,
Eiichi Sato, Chihaya Koriyama, and Masayuki Nakajo
AJR 2009;192:754-760
Other Content
Correction for Volume 192, p. 66
Jeong Seon Park
AJR 2009;192:560
Correction for Volume 187, p. 638
Daisuke Utsunomiya
AJR 2009;192:560
Portrait of a Physician
Stefan C. Schatzki
AJR 2009;192:837
Joseph Davidson Calhoun
Ernest J. Ferris
AJR 2009;192:838
Jerome H. Shapiro
Otha W. Linton and John F. O'Connor
AJR 2009;192:839
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