Friday, 16 May 2008

Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology vol. 52 no.3 June 2008

N.B. This journal is not available to us in full text

Multidisciplinary meetings: Patient expectations and legal liability
I Freckelton
pages 199–200
Pictorial Essays
Novel intra-arterial strategies in the treatment of acute ischaemic stroke
PP Ng, EA Stevens EJ Skalabrin
pages 201–207
Unusual causes of small bowel obstruction and contemporary diagnostic algorithm
OG Gümüta, A Gümüta, R Yalçn, G Savc RA Soylu
pages 208–215
Review Article
Imaging of horseshoe kidneys and their complications
J O’Brien, O Buckley, O Doody, E Ward, T Persaud W Torreggiani
pages 216–226
Original Articles
Clinical significance of intrasubstance meniscal lesions on MRI
AK Low, MR Chia, DJ Carmody, P Lucas D Hale
pages 227–230
Fine-needle trucut biopsy versus fine-needle aspiration cytology with ultrasound guidance in the abdomen
AM O’Connell, F Keeling, M Given, M Logan MJ Lee
pages 231–236
Radiological management of patients with urinary obstruction following urinary diversion procedures: Technical factors, complications, long-term management and outcome. Experience with 378 procedures
MM Maher, S Rizzo, M Kalra, SE Mc Sweeney, R Arellano, P Hahn, D Gervais P Mueller
pages 237–243
Prototype system for enhancement of frontal chest radiographs using eigenimage processing
A Butler, P Bones M Hurrell
pages 244–253
Clinical influence of 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography on the management of primary tumours of the thymus
JW-Y Lee, M Mac Manus, A Hogg, R Hicks D Ball
pages 254–261
Development of an instrument to measure the clinical learning environment in diagnostic radiology
L Bloomfield R Subramaniam
pages 262–268
Review Articles
Use of ‘sham’ radiotherapy in randomized clinical trials
F Schwarz D Christie
pages 269–277
The important role of radiotherapy in patients with non-melanoma skin cancer and other cutaneous entities
MJ Veness
pages 278–286
Original Articles
Group decisions in oncology: Doctors’ perceptions of the legal responsibilities arising from multidisciplinary meetings
MA Sidhom MG Poulsen
pages 287–292
Interplanner variability in carrying out three-dimensional conformal radiation therapy for non-small-cell lung cancer
S Everitt, T Kron, N Fimmell, J Reynolds, C Laferlita, D Ball, M Schneider-Kolsky, R Budd M Mac Manus
pages 293–296
Low-dose palliative splenic irradiation in haematolymphoid malignancy
RK Shrimali, PD Correa N O’Rourke
pages 297–302
RE: Multicentre quality assurance of intensity-modulated radiation therapy planning: Beware the benchmarker
MJ Williams, MJ Bailey, D Forstner PE Metcalfe
pages 303–303

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